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9/14/2015 7:12:37 PM

Honest feedback regarding Destiny's legacy, DLCs, and "Taken King" approach

Its been said before many times, I'm sure, but I feel the need to speak about this. This will be a long, rambling, opinionated post - sorry if I sound butthurt, but this is the internet afterall ;) I just set up my trusty xbox after an absence of several months, and I quickly learned that Bungie was introducing a new DLC/Expansion/Whatever for Destiny - "The Taken King". Now Bungie's previous attempts at DLC have been notably flawed - lacking content and abusing a trusting fanbase and community for the sake of market greed. This new endeavour really puts the icing on the cake. I live in the UK, and the Destiny Vanguard Edition cost me about £45 on launch (I actually attended a midnight launch, which I had never done before, because I was such a huge fan of Bungie's previous games). This was exactly the right price point, and I really enjoyed my Destiny experience for several months. Though the game seemed ultimately unfinished, lacking any substance of story or character, the gameplay itself was enough to keep me solidly entertained. Eventually, the first "Expansion" was announced, and I was initially pretty excited to see what cool new missions, maps, and guns we would get to play with. Having played other, more traditional MMOs in the past, I expected this "Expansion" to be fairly substantial - especially given the price-point of £20, near half the initial cost of the game. Upon review this was, of course, not the case, and I was left feeling disappointed by the new content. This happens though, many games have poor first DLCs, so I hoped that Bungie would respond to its fans with a better, fuller "Expansion" next time round. "House of Wolves" was less disappointing than its "Dark Below" counterpart, but I still didn't feel it was worth the money I had spent on it. Regardless, I enjoyed the game for what it was and eventually became tired with it, as happens with all games in the end. Fast forward to today, and I'm looking at this "Taken King" thing, which looks the most promising of all the DLCs so far. Yes, its essentially just rehashing old enemies, and yes its probably not going to live up to the initial expectations I had when I first started playing, but new subclasses, items, maps, and a somewhat decent story would be worth my £20 or whatever as I still like the game and would no doubt enjoy exploring it again after a long absence. There is one giant problem here: the pricing for this DLC is RIDICULOUS. In the US, it costs $40 - pretty high by US standards, but not massively expensive overall. However, in the UK this DLC costs £40 (equivalent to around $61 at today's exchange rate). WHY is there this disparity in price? How can Bungie possibly believe that, given the generally negative feedback from previous DLCs, that this price is justified? This is digital content - there are no import charges or packaging costs, the only thing that could possibly drive the UK price up is VAT - which, after some very minor calculation, would put the UK price nearer £30, using the US price as a guideline. I know £10 isn't much to be annoyed about, but in the context of the gaming market it is a massive increase which seems completely unjustifiable. Considering that the previous DLCs have been so lacking, I am extremely surprised in Bungie's decision to drive the price for this new DLC right up to the prices of the existing DLCs combined, and even very close to the original game's retail price. Adding to this, you can now preorder the "Legendary Edition", which contains the original Game, both previous DLCs, AND "The Taken King" for a total of £40 from most retailers. What the hell is going on here? It seems obvious to me that Bungie has decided, for some reason, not to reward those who have supported Destiny throughout its initial release and DLCs, but rather focus on pulling in new players. This kind of community exploitation is frankly disgraceful - it is dishonest and greedy. I have always been a massive fan of the Bungie community, but this is just not fun anymore. I want to play your game, Bungie. I want to enjoy myself. But this is just unfair. [b]TL;DR - Bungie fanboy annoyed by "overpriced" DLC, complains on internet forum to nobody in particular.[/b]

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  • I would advise you to be careful reading to much into what they are describing. If you remember what they said here [url][/url] [quote]A massive Fallen ketch has been spotted over the Moon, and a crew of Fallen cutthroats, led by the ruthless mercenary, Taniks, the Scarred, seeks to plunder the Hive’s darkest secrets. [/quote] It implied that you would have a massive area to search/explore. I did not feel as if "THE SHADOW THIEF" strike was "massive!" While Taniks was more of a bullet sponge, that had an over abundance of bullet stealing minions, and you needed to carry plenty of ammo synthesis, I overall thought that the strike for the Archon Priest was overall larger. Heck even the Scourge of Winter mission seemed to be a little bigger, and maybe even more interesting.

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