Get VucktheFex Jr. off to school
Have a breakfast date with Mr. VucktheFex (we never get to do that anymore)
Possibly take Canine VucktheFex to the groomer
Go to Grocery for handy snacks and easy dinner
go to GameStop and pick up stuff
Go home, unbox, squeeeeeeeeee!!!
Plug new console in
Download a massive amount of content probably
Watch Mr. VucktheFex play his TTK on the old console and his digital preorder while mine is still downloading
Toss snacks at Mr. VucktheFex until he gets annoyed and hands me his controller
When u are joining a party: Do they call u "-blam!-" or "Vex" ?
Vex (I have only been in a few parties and fireteams) it was a bit touch and go about what they were going to call me and they desperately tried hard to avoid the obvious. At one point one of the guys was like so Imma gonna call you vex. Which worked out nicely, It's much easier to shout "Hey vex you're totally going the wrong way" or "Vex you should probably aim" Then VUCK.
You seem like a very pleasent person. Thanks for your funny answer! :) have a good start in The TTK! :)
Haha. 'VuckTheFex' I see what you did there.
Gets annoyed or is happy with the snacks which gives you an opertunity to get the controller? :P
Either way win :)
Haha Aye!