I'm just curious to what everyone is going to do first when TTK comes out? Nightfall? Story missions? Other?
With all the changes to the nightfall I'm no longer sure if completing it first thing is going to be necessary. Comment below!
To all fellow Guardians: Good luck, have fun, and happy killings tomorrow!
Love all the replies, some of you have some pretty 'interesting' agendas tomorrow!
Get VucktheFex Jr. off to school Shower Have a breakfast date with Mr. VucktheFex (we never get to do that anymore) Possibly take Canine VucktheFex to the groomer Go to Grocery for handy snacks and easy dinner go to GameStop and pick up stuff Go home, unbox, squeeeeeeeeee!!! Plug new console in Download a massive amount of content probably Watch Mr. VucktheFex play his TTK on the old console and his digital preorder while mine is still downloading Toss snacks at Mr. VucktheFex until he gets annoyed and hands me his controller