[b]Klank and the others go down [/b]
"We're scoping the area out, see you down there"
[b]When they land they look around, taking in their surroundings [/b]
[b]The area seems to be mostly barren, save Murph's escape pod lying in the ground ahead.[/b]
[b]They radio in[/b] "We found the pod, running trail processes now"
[b]Murph seems nowhere nearby.[/b] "We should land and look around." *Minerva says over comms*
[b]They pick up his trail[/b] "Got it, updating y'all's locator, and we are going to go ahead to his location"
"We should look around the pod to be sure."
[b]Spectres scan it while the others check a lead[/b] [spoiler]new post[/spoiler]
[spoiler]y we only made like 6 comments on this one[/spoiler]
[spoiler]cuz I need this to go fast[/spoiler]
[spoiler]cuz in a few minutes I have to go afk till tomorrow[/spoiler]