A strange fleet consisting of 7 A-class warships, headed by a ship resembling a pirate "man o' war" appears, and passes under the Alamo, defending them from railgun shots. You do not know if they are friendly or hostile
*comms operator opens up a transmission with them* "Unidentified ships identify yourself."
Jt is heard on the comms Mother-blam!-er, you know who this is. We need to talk.
*comm operator* Uhhh yes sir I'll open a channel with the admiral. (Me) JT, what is it
Ok. So. I was on the 2nd moon of Europa with a few friends that don't rightly abide the law. Now, they "requisitioned" some ships from a pirate group, who was assaulting a few civilians. Any place to put these things?
We have some room in the hangar, btw you might want to get in here, we have a situation. [spoiler]check my comment[/spoiler]