In the year 2 preview stream, Tyson Green clearly states
[quote]Any of the year one exotics that you have found, any of those that are available in year two are available right here on the blueprint[/quote]
Not sure if this has been addressed elsewhere in a thread or Bungie post, but I saw yesterday that Suros, Hard Light and P&T are not available in my exotic collection. Is this a glitch or did we have to have them still in our inventory when 2.0 released. If so, that's kind of ridiculous considering that we needed to shard unused gear for exotic shards and lack of vault space in year one. It seems to me if we have the unlocked Grimiore, shouldn't it be available to us?
EDIT: Also from Tyson Green from the same stream when they get to the exotic weapon collection
[quote]So we didn't want it to be the case that if you found something in year one, that you had to go find it again in year two. So that's why the blueprints give you access to the updated versions of any of the year one items.[/quote]
This seems to me to pretty clearly state that anything we found should be in our collections regardless of if we had it in our inventory when 2.0 dropped or not. I had 2 P&T and 2 or 3 Hard Lights at various points. Now that Hard Light is actually viable, why are we punished for getting rid of it when it wasn't of use?
It seems to me this could have been one more way to recognize the accomplishments of year one players to not make us re-find exotics if we dismantled them to upgrade other gear (that ironically isn't going forward).
You had to have the Exotic in your inventory when 2.0.0 launched to insure it was in your Kiosk as a blueprint. That is one of the reasons I told everyone to hold off on deleting anything until after the update.
One exotic a week is lame when I had them already.
You had to have them when the 2.0 patch came out to confirm you had them.
My confusion resided here: I thought he was saying don't shard items because it would potentially lower your experience level say from 34 to 33. I had no clue that it ever meant I had to hang onto all of my exotics to get them back. I'm on here all the time and that was never communicated in any form or fashion that I can remember. I didn't buy Obsidian Mind from Xur because I thought a few days later I'd be able to buy it back. Nope. That is just one example.
Their pathological liars
You needed to have them in vault, post master or on your toons post 2.0 patch. If you deleted them before said patch you lost them, regardless of Grimoire.
Exotic shards are plentiful if you always delete duplicates and buy them from Xur. I have 85, I'm set.
ahhh give it time, I'm sure there's a few bugs with that giant ass god damn update they did last week. I wouldn't be surprised if Bungie slipped on a few items and all though, being as how they spent entirely too much time tracking my gameplay lol
Shouldn't have deleted them they warned you not to.
I asked this question also, I have had almost all of the current year 1 exotic weapons (not armour as I play on my titan most the time), if this is true then they should add the cards to the actual game so that they actually mean something
Thats is well put as i had all exotics apart from the queens gear n 4th hotseman I cant get access to previous exovtics and also there is no blueprint for the 4th horseman what so ever?
Edited by IsakRey: 9/15/2015 2:54:36 AMI made this point in the help forum. It got no traction sadly - I completely agree with you! It seems to me that the panic message of "DONT DELETE ANYTHING INTIL 2.0" was largely to do with the collection system. I found that I had every year 1 exotic available except the No Land Beyond, which was listed as 'needs discovery' despite my having obtained it a half dozen times and mistakenly sharded them all. I had at least 1 copy of every other exotic weapon, so it seems the collection was based solely on vault and character inventory scan. This is completely farcical since there is a grimoire score associated with an account Which will tell Bungie exactly which exotics have been 'discovered' by a player - with the exception of a some vanilla release exotic cards that could be obtained through a special code, the only way to obtain an exotic weapon grimoire card is be having 'owned' the gun. It is very poor on bungie's part to not adequately inform the player of how the 'rights to exotic' function. Frankly I'm a lucky man that No Land Beyond was sold by Xur last weekend to be a 23 strange coin answer to bungie's inadequate system.
It's because the grimoire doesn't correlate to whether you've owned the exotic or not. Grimoire progress counts kills that other people around you get too. I had the gjallarhorn grimoire back in november long before I got it back it february. Kinda sucks but I don't know of Bungie can really do anything. :/ Hope that helped, man. :)
My bad juju is gone. Just vanished. Don't have the blueprint but I do have the grimiore.
Hmmm, my Pocket Infinity did not show up. I did shard it long ago when it ceased to be good but I did have it and should have credit for it.
Having it based on your grimoire is a much better idea,especially considering weapon tuning changes so much. Burmp.
Cozmo comments on a lot of your posts. I would like for this one to be commented on.
Edited by TheKungLao: 9/15/2015 5:25:35 AMThat's how it reads but I bet they have no way of telling if you had it at one point or not. I sharded two Pocket Infinity's prior to the 2.0 and I don't have that blueprint. Edit: I just remembered they would know because of your grimore cards. So there's no excuse for that either.
Edited by CatMan: 9/15/2015 4:24:46 AMI noticed that too, a few woes are missing that I found like that stupid wep everyone like NLB and one of my favs vex,but I deleted the vex a long time ago back when I was a newbe so that's on me, but still.
All those exotics and...what only 4 go to level 40 now? Invective, Bad JuJu, Suros, Thunderlord Did I miss any?
Click the right bumper, year one stuff is on the second tab. If that's where you were looking, then that's messed up lol.
Edited by Unforgiven: 9/15/2015 3:31:46 AMJason Jones said that we cannot say because .. he said we shouldn't say.. because we don't have all their money... Penis
Edited by Jagermaester: 9/15/2015 3:12:22 AMIt's called they did it on purpose this way to sound good on paper but work terrible in practice because they deliberately made it so you had to have the item [i]on[/i] you. This would've been a better head's up back when we originally got started in HoW. I literally shredded through my entire Weapons Vault from Day 1 to the Last Day I played HoW content seriously. My bro used to have a Vanquisher (that I actually did the Crucible grind for him on, because he needed a half decent Primary before he would even step foot in Crucible,) but the Auto Rifle nerf made me decided I should dismantle it. I'm pretty sure they did this on purpose to promote players to delete old items before they made sandbox changes so that fewer people had the goods by the time anything was done to fix the mess. Really grinds my gears how they've handled all of this so poorly.