"Watch it. That storm looks a b** rou** don't try **ying. Co*** may go a **t in and out."
[b]Kira ignores it, and keeps going.[/b]
[b]After a bit of wandering, she comes upon a cave.[/b]
[b]Kira walks into the cave, tired of stumbling her way through the storm.[/b]
[b]Inside the cave there is an X burnt in plasma in the wall, a few other plasma marks, some blood, and a metallic tendril near the blood.[/b]
[b]Kira readies 2 graphene daggers and ventures into the cave.[/b]
[b]The cave doesn't go much further, there is evidence of a campfire and a little more blood and rubble. The storm seems to be letting up enough for comms to work, but it's likely a good idea to stay in the cave a bit longer.[/b]
[b]Kira attempts to contact Minerva.[/b]
"Hello? Kira?"
"Minerva. I made it safely on the planet. Can you send me Murph's coordinates?"
"All we have is the escape pod coordinates, which has already been searched. Jack ran into a bit of trouble during the storm. Everything okay for you?"
"Yeah, I found a cave to hide out in while the storm passed by. How's Jack?"
"He's fine, but Galdes was with him and got messed up pretty bad. Find anything that could tip is off to where Murph went?"
"Well, there seems to be a tendril here...could it be Murph's?"
"What does it look like? Black with a red end?"
[b]Kira picks the tendril up, and transfers an image of it to Minerva.[/b] "Does this look familiar?"
"Yeah... it- it's.... It's his..."
[b]Kira looks around the cave for more blood.[/b] "Alright. That takes us one step closer to finding Murph."
"Jack just told me he's found where Murph is, but there's some sort of barrier in the way."
[b]Kira walks out of the cave, to her ship.[/b] "Alright. Tell me where he is, and just what this barrier is. I'll take it from there."
"Not sure exactly. Here's the coordinates."
Edited by Crestfalling: 9/16/2015 12:14:05 AM[b]Kira gets in her ship and speeds towards that location.[/b] "Alright. On my way."
[b]There is a large purple bubble over a sinkhole, with an orange, red, and blue pillar around it. The orange pillar is lit up, but the other two aren't. The red pillar faces south, and the blue faces north.[/b] "Jack said you had to activate the pillars using other pillars scattered around the planet. He went North to follow the blue pillar's trail, and he's already activated the orange one. Perhaps you can follow the red one's lead."
[b]Kira's ship turns to follow the red pillar's direction.[/b] "On it."
"Thanks. Scans say there's some comms disruption ahead of you, so be careful."