I see where you are coming from. Every time I post an open post no one interacts and often times I feel like if nobody has interacted already with the post then no one will so I make it a point to like and Interact with open stuff that is barely getting off. I use other peoples story to tell mine. I feel the interactive story telling argument with small post is what the RP thread does best.
Right, and that's what this place used to be, until the Psion Uprising stuff happened, Kai went to Earth, and everybody else took his good, interesting, one-time thing and turned it into the central part of their RPs.
You need to talk to Desert and say this needs to happen or any other player who has major influence. Tell them to not let other characters made by other people to be a top tier of importance.
It's no use. Remember when I did those couple of bounties? That was supposed to be lead up to an idea I was pitching to Hick, which I later made a separate RP thread for. I advertised it all over, but nobody cared. To make it worse, mine was actually built to DEAL with the crazy stuff people were writing in here, to give them a fitting world to backdrop their stories.
I sadly took my break during that time if I was there too see it I would have joined up.
I'm sure it's still around somewhere.