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9/15/2015 12:48:53 AM
As a hunter main I like all classes it's just that hunter suits my play style better than the others and I think I figured out why there is a rivalry just from something I've noticed about how I play [spoiler]Hunter and warlock are on opposite ends of the play styles for most players and Titan is in the middle my personal play style is sit back and snipe and if anything gets to close backtrack and spray with my primary the hunters agility compliments this Warlocks at least what I have noticed is jump out fire quick shots at the target and then take cover the warlocks recovery compliments this And Titans are the bullet sponges who can be right in the middle of the action and survive a little longer than the other classes because of there high armor [/spoiler] Long story short there are different play styles and classes that work best for those play styles Warlock and hunter play styles don't mix very well

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