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9/15/2015 12:54:07 AM
Hey lost sols. I feel like you are one of the few people who genuinely wants to improve destiny. BUT I always cringe when I see most of your posts. I'm sorry thus is probably hugely wrong and if this comes off has an insult, but you just come off has so arrogant. The prime thing I cringe about is MM. It should not be in the game period. I genuinely want you to prove me wrong because while there are pros it's just not enough to outweigh the cons. Here's why I think that. Pros: [i]it's faster[/i] [i]no biase[/i] [i][b]easier[/b] for people to complete raids[/i] Cons: [u]trolls trolls trolls and more trolls[/u]- without matchmaking they have to think is it worth the time? The answer is usually no. With MM it's just to easy. [u]under geared people [/u]- this is something I absolutely hate to bring up, but it's a prime problem. There's a point where you can't do a raid with underpowered people you just can't I don't care who you are. The best raiding crew in destiny would struggle to take two undergeared people through a raid. Imagine three or four? [u]quitters[/u] it becomes far to easy to quit with MM. Before you have to ask yourself if I quit will I be able to find a group again? That thought alone is usually enough to at least give their current group a few more tries. Those few tries make a huge difference. [u]no mics[/u] I have to bring it up. Communication communication communication. I cannot stress that enough. No mic=no communication. With MM it becomes 10000% easier for them. They [b]will[/b] join groups and -blam!- them over. [u]friends[/u] simple really. With no MM part of the motivation to add someone is to make it easier. If it's already easier there's no icing on that cake. Would you eat cake without icing? Maybe? [u]no checkpoints selection?[/u] you would need to add this. Then people would have even less motivation to do the full raid. Lesser of two evils? [u]raid lobbies[/u] I've seen this has a solution countless times. People refuse to acknowledge that this would infinitely more present. With raid lobbies they could check every nook and cranny. Rather than just say ghorn they could check for elemental primaries. Raid emblems or sparrows. Get where I'm going with this? [u]the community[/u] you are a prime example of why this [b]cannot[/b] happen. You nitpick every little flaw bungie makes down to the point where I just have to think enough is enough. There only human give them a -blam!-ing break! The minute 70% of the community would bash bungie. Hey guess what when you insult them like over half this community does its borderline cyber bullying. That's [b]never ever[/b] okay. Ever. If seen some disgusting things posted about bungie and especially the community managers. How would you like it if I told you that you couldn't balance a cup on a table? Judging from your post you hate things that said towards you. Sols you may say that these wouldn't be problems but they would be. I challenge you to refute at least two. Even then the pros would still be the minority. Sols you are an amazing person don't get me wrong.

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