[b]Jack and Galdes are trapped in the best of the mysterious [url=http://i.imgur.com/5N6Zeun.jpg]creatures[/url], and are trapped by some sort of barrier. They must find a way out before they overrun.[/b]
[spoiler]open to Jack lethal and galdes[/spoiler]
Edited by RealPersianMan: 9/15/2015 1:23:23 AMRedacted.
[b]The barrier sits there, glowing orange, and still impassible.[/b]
[spoiler]already fighting.[/spoiler]
[b]Jack fends off the creatures. [/b] "You guys find a way out of here I got your backs!" [b]He says as he fights and cuts down the creatures.[/b]
[b]After a good bit of fighting, their lights come back on, and they begin to swing them as weapons, they pulsate electrical current.[/b]
"Oh what the Fūck?!" [b]Jack now doges their attacks and counties to fight strong.[/b]
[b]Without Galdes' fire support, one manages to bite your leg, and another takes the opportunity to pounce you.[/b]
Galdes shoots them both off, and helps him up*
[b]It's clear one of you must work on the door. Jack is much further from it than Galdes, and holding them off fairly well alone, for now.[/b] [spoiler]*hint hint* get the barrier down[/spoiler]
[spoiler] God damn it. LMFAO. Jack just went to go slash the door open[/spoiler]
"Thanks man. We need to get this gate open. Do me a favor and give me some covering fire real quick." [b]He runs to the gate and starts slashing at it.[/b]
[b]It does seemingly nothing, and a creature grabs your leg and drags you off again.[/b]
Covers you by firing at the assaulting creatures*
[b]Every time a creature shoots their orange lightning, the barrier seems to glow a more intense orange, like it is overloading.[/b]
Shoots a creature in its orange light just for grins*
*it dies immediately as if it was its life source, but the barrier stops overloading*
Looks for a way to overload the barrier without potentially killing himself or jack*
[b]An orb that Jack cut off hits your leg, and the barrier looks like it's on the verge of cracking from the energy coming from the orb, it just needs to be a little closer...[/b]
Moves the orb closer to the barrier*
[b]The barrier shatters, sending an orange nova of light that causes the monsters to scatter and flee. The way out is open, and the storm has passed fully now.[/b] *Minerva on comms* "Looks like the storms clearing up! Everything okay down there?"
"Im hurt bad, but breathing."
"What happened?!? Do you need help? I'll come down immediately!"
"Heavy bleeding, cant see straight..." you hear a thud and the transmission cuts off*
[b]Jack runs over to you and checks for wounds.[/b]