originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b][u]Sign Up Before Starting![/u][/b]
This is the follow-up to the immensely popular Destiny Roleplay, "Oh Brave New World." It is a complete reboot, so all events of that Roleplay have been disregarded.
[b][u]Please sign up here before starting![/u][/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/153708903/0/0/1
"His name is Oryx, the Taken King. And he's coming for you, Guardian. Can you blame him? You killed his son with his own sword."
Crota's death was a sign to being a beyond our miniscule corner of the universe. Now, we face Oryx, Crota's father. Now, we take up arms against a god, and his trans dimensional army. So, think you can kill a god?
Do not violate the Bungie.net Code of Conduct.
Do not kill other people's characters.
No god modding.
"One Liner" Roleplay is discouraged (i.e. *John walked up the hill*).
These rules will update as the RP progresses.
[b]Game Link[/b]
"Game Link" a new feature that is being implemented in this Roleplay. By completing certain tasks within the game, you can earn rewards for your characters. There are two variations of Game Link.
[b]Quests[/b]: Quests follow a pre determined storyline. To partake in quests, you must complete certain tasks in game. Completing Quests can earn your character rewards. Quests are available anytime once they are released.
[b]Events[/b]: Events are similar to Quests, except they do not follow a storyline, and are available for a limited time. As with Quests, completing Events can earn your character rewards.
The Internet
Storm Wizard
Spicy Wolf
H 345
The Mute Button
THIS ISN'T A CAR *Cue epic Batman music As the [b]Bat[/b] flies over commissioner Gordon, he can't help but slowly smile with glee. The rush of wind from the [b][i]Bat[/i][/b] knocks off the Police commander's hat, and as Gordon smiles, he thinks to himself: [spoiler][u][i][b]To be continued [/b][/i][/u][/spoiler]
Edited by qwej: 11/25/2015 2:57:40 AMInsert crappy joke here
A man rapped in cloak of fine spinmetal threads walks the western flatlands wielding a gun of pure golden light and another of solid darkness. What you see now is an aftermath to a climax of an unfinished story. This is a story of legends, this is the story of Shin Malphur. I give you the pen Guardian. Let his story be known.
Name Jaeger Machinus Race/Gender Black/Male Class/Subclass Hunter/Voidwalker Description (Armor colors, facial features, etc.) Look at my char Bio Revived by a ghost in the European dead zone Jaeger made his way to the tower finding shelter anywhere he could he arrived in the Cosmodrome(things that happen in destiny) Currently lives at the tower and helps fight the good fight Weapons Harrow ed Raid scout rifle Black Spindle Void Sword Armor Sky burners Annex and raid gear Class Item A certain artifact
A bingo bango bongo, I don't want to leave the Congo.
His plan to go into the future to find out where the Vex came from having gone horribly wrong, Jean sits in front of a Time Gate that he's been waiting to open for some 7 years. "This seem at all familiar to you, Vrael?" "Quite, sir. In fact, based on past experience, we could have assumed failure would be most likely." "Well at least it's just me, and none of those young Guardian's who had planned to go with me. It was just me who got stranded, right?" "Sir, I have no idea. If anyone else got stranded, they did not get stranded here." Jean sits for a moment, then pulls out a PB & J and begins eating, when the Gate opens! Jean steps back and pulls out his gun. From out of the portal steps... [spoiler]Open to anyone, but please only reply under on reply thread.[/spoiler]
(Copied from le internet.) [b]Time's Prison[/b] Step 2 - Escape [i]Korvic has just prevented Crota's return inside the Vault. A Distress Beacon was received in the Vault with an old Vanguard signature. Right now, he's being sent back in there to rescue whoever it is that's sent the beacon out. We've also received a transmission. This is Praedyth. If anyone receives this, I've been stuck in the Vault for a very. Long. Time. Please. Send a rescue team. Someone. Anyone. Take caution, Korvic. This could be a trap.[/i] Open to... [spoiler]The Internet[/spoiler]
IMG_0584.PNG What's good fam hmu
I like zavalas voice...that's all.
Edited by Lion: 11/24/2015 2:18:48 AM[spoiler]Disregarded[/spoiler]
GO GO POWER RANGERS!!!! Black Ranger mastodon power or Zord thingy you unite. Green Ranger transform into megatron. Oh down goes oryx one sword with help from Altron force. Where was captain planets crew.
Cain was standing in front of Fort Athena, the headquarters of the Future War Cult. He had a job to pick up there. As the gates open. 3 Guardians stand before him. They escort Cain to the Overseer's office to pick up the mission. Now, he's in a Fireteam, running around Ishtar, and killing Vex. The team stops to rest at the Vault door. Then and there, a one of the members stand up and say... Open
Edited by A RARE SPYCRAB: 11/23/2015 4:01:36 AMDuvanix waits for Autumn and Alex his heart filled with joy after last night[spoiler]open to Autumn and Alex[/spoiler]
The moist guardian grabbed lord Shaxx . Her embrace made his manhood swell like week-old road kill on hot asphalt in the Georgia sun.
Sometimes when I'm alone my uncle comes over and touches me
Edited by BIT5 AND PIECE5: 11/24/2015 5:42:49 PMTHE SPEAKER TOUCHED ME (Open)
Edited by Kio: 11/24/2015 10:04:00 PM[i] [/i]
[b]Collecting the salt[/b]
Lord Shaxx touched me. [spoiler]thats my contribution[/spoiler]
Edited by Riven: 11/23/2015 9:33:37 PM[b]Time's Prison[/b] Step 1 - Inspecting the Vault [i]You'll be dropped at the Entrance. Vex are all over the place, so be cautious. You do NOT want to be in the middle of a firefight with this many Vex, Guardian. The Time Distortion is at the Glass Throne, where you killed Atheon. Go investigate.[/i] -Zavala Open To; [spoiler]Super CybrTygr Imminent Chaos Shotgun Wizard The Chain Warden Sans Vaaxius[/spoiler]
Edited by WBU39: 11/24/2015 8:16:12 PM[Redacted]
Allah Akbar
Ishbar looked behind him, one last time. He was sprinting, something had him spooked. He couldn't shake that he was being watched still, and his Ghost felt the same way. Quickly, he made his way back to the drop site. Derping into his seat. One mangled machine hand struggled to engage the throttle. "Strange coins, down the drain...," he mumbled, as the slow sputtering arc energy prices escaping, sped up with the force this gesture. He derp'd into the cabin as his Ghost engaged autopilot. This Warlock hadn't realized what he was getting into, derping into the Nightfall all by his lonesome. He derp'd, and while derply derping his derp. Ishbar's derp derp'd, derpingly for derp. Derp derp derp. His Ghost derp derp derp'd; derp "derp the derp, if we derp, derp derp. Derp!!!" The derp derpingly came to a derp. Derp derp.
Edited by Holy FirePriest: 11/23/2015 6:49:05 PMA titan is being hunted once again by the vanguard For the rifle in his hands, The red death. The vanguard has sent out many hunters to Get him and bring him down or back to them so they can judge. But none have returned successfully. They believe he has murdered a hunter with the rifle because the titan carries a hunters knife on his waist. Such an acquisition. But they go after him anyways. They give a name Eclipse, Titan, Human male white missing right eye and a blue left eye, his armor black As he wears the armor from the iron banner. So a black night, How Bland But that's the better way to describe him. The hunters who have followed him never end up with bullet holes or anything just either have been knocked out or They just can't keep up with him. The legend states he has wolves who also protect him And this has stemmed from the howl of a wolf Is heard every so often in his presence. And so now this titan walks along the night of Mars his ghost floatong beside him. He's been out casted By those he protected. You either know of him and May just pass him by Or help him on his walk or you may have no idea and Want that reward. ( Open to all )
Matthew laid in his bed, sheets sprawled everywhere. He sat up and ruffled his auburn hair. His ghost floated across the room, not even looking at him. "Told you not to drink to much." He looked at his ghost. "Go open a door you, you, just, go open a door." His ghost looked at him this time. "I knew you were drunk but not THAT drunk. Jesus Christ." He leaned over to his nightstand and turned on his radio. A song by [i]Disturbed[/i] blared through the speakers. He sat up and looked at his room. Posters of old movies and video games, super models, and inspirational crap all over his walls. Little action figures and trinkets. A rather large TV and a gaming console with multiple controllers. He took a long shower and thought about the recent events. Wait, what recent events? The only recent events were the ones he couldn't remember. The only thing he could mop up in his scrambled mind is he had a drinking battle with Cayde-6. Did he win? If he didn't remember does that mean he won or lost? Does it matter? After the refreshing shower he got out and the heavy [i]Disturbed[/i] song has transformed into a rag-time [i]Elvis Presley[/i] song. He put on some ripped blue jeans, a grey [i]Pink Floyd[/i] shirt, and black sneakers. He opened his closet and put on armor, holstered his weapons and put his helmet on a table. He took out his Walkman and plugged the earphones in and put them on. The sound of music filled his ears and calmed his mind. "Alright ghost, pull me in." He is teleported from his ship to the tower. He walked towards the bar and had some brief conversations with people. He apparently won the drinking battle against Cayde-6. He was just so drunk he kept drinking even after he won and passed out. He arrived at the bar and sat down. The bartender noticed him and Matthew took off his earphones. "The usual, Matt?" "Yeah, the usual." Thr bartender poured a [i]The Village Idiot[/i]. Appropriately named, only idiots would consume such a vile concoction. Matthew didn't mind. He put his earphones back in and took small sips. He needed to think. (Open.)
It was rather quiet that night in the Tower bar, with not too many guardians in it. That was the way the Hunter liked it. It had been a while since he had come anywhere near the Tower, or the last city. The only reason he came back was for some needed supplies, and maybe a drink. Many guardians looked at him strangely, because his armour was worn out of shape and blasted with snow, giving it a discoloured look. His cape was not made out of fine fabric, but a thin animal skin. He walked over to the bar and asked for a drink. Taking off his helmet, the Hunter was relatively young, but had seen many days away from civilisation. He had grown a slight stubble on his face and he looked a bit tanner. No one would recognise him now, but the Hunter was known as Lake. (( Open ))