originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b][u]Sign Up Before Starting![/u][/b]
This is the follow-up to the immensely popular Destiny Roleplay, "Oh Brave New World." It is a complete reboot, so all events of that Roleplay have been disregarded.
[b][u]Please sign up here before starting![/u][/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/153708903/0/0/1
"His name is Oryx, the Taken King. And he's coming for you, Guardian. Can you blame him? You killed his son with his own sword."
Crota's death was a sign to being a beyond our miniscule corner of the universe. Now, we face Oryx, Crota's father. Now, we take up arms against a god, and his trans dimensional army. So, think you can kill a god?
Do not violate the Bungie.net Code of Conduct.
Do not kill other people's characters.
No god modding.
"One Liner" Roleplay is discouraged (i.e. *John walked up the hill*).
These rules will update as the RP progresses.
[b]Game Link[/b]
"Game Link" a new feature that is being implemented in this Roleplay. By completing certain tasks within the game, you can earn rewards for your characters. There are two variations of Game Link.
[b]Quests[/b]: Quests follow a pre determined storyline. To partake in quests, you must complete certain tasks in game. Completing Quests can earn your character rewards. Quests are available anytime once they are released.
[b]Events[/b]: Events are similar to Quests, except they do not follow a storyline, and are available for a limited time. As with Quests, completing Events can earn your character rewards.
The Internet
Storm Wizard
Spicy Wolf
H 345
The Mute Button
*Shrek watches the stars from the safety and comfort of his swamp* "I need to peel some onions" he says as he grabs a basket with handfuls of onions. *Ogre hunters burst in* *Shrek throws some of his onions at them in an attempt to make them back away, but he is unseccessful* *He uses his onionzooka and bippity-boopity-blows them up* "Not today"
-haz a big wee wee-
A Lone hunter stands on Mars sand blowing against her feet "Hey ghost any Cabal or vex?" "[u][i]no Not that I can sca-...wait there! I think there is a team of vex coming near[/i][/u]" "thanks" She pulls out a sword as the vex appear in a circle around her she quickly jumps into the air and shoots three shadow shots taking out half of them and then running close then pushing her sword through them all before the first Vex drops "Easy" [spoiler]0pen[/spoiler]
What exactly is the sign up for besides the obvious which role playing but why is signing up necessary ?
Is this the gay section of the forums?
*walks up* *looks around* I don't think I'm in Astora anymore, toto. *turns around and walks away*
Edited by Ram sputin: 9/18/2015 10:13:40 PM[spoiler]ignore me didn't see sign up thing xD[/spoiler]
A cabal prison ship spirals out of the skies above Phobos, crashing into a fiery explosion. Out of the wreckage appears a hunter, dusting off the embers from his armor. "Well... That wasn't so hard." "[u]Master Korvic?[/u]" "Yeah?" "[u]I'm picking up a cabal distress beacon near this location.[/u]" Korvic scratches his head, then points back at the wreck behind them. "[u]No, not the prison ship.[/u]" "Ok then, where?" "[u]A nearby fire base, apparently being overrun by... Something...[/u]" "Let's go check it out then." The hunter and his ghost head off towards the distress beacon. (Nepo)
Edited by Void-Kell Lizard: 9/18/2015 3:53:45 AM*Krelik sits on his ketch as it orbits earth, watching the planet from one of the windows* *sighs* What to do...
Edited by Dark Brandon X: 9/18/2015 1:31:15 AMFox the nightstalker was working behind the gunsmith counter with banshee...well just watching as banshee told stories of old guns to fellow guardians. After slaying Skolas he felt like there was no reason to fight again as he and several others had climbed the proverbial top of the mountain. He took up work in the tower with the gunsmith and running errands for Cayde-6 to farm for materials. As he worked, he looked to the traveler and wished he could fight among the stars, meeting new guardians while dismissing calls from Cayde-6 to sneak him on a mission or two. One day, he overheard guardians speaking of a new threat..."Ha! They speak as though this was a new video game or something...the thought." Even so, Fox looked to his vault after a night shift and smiled to himself as her lay itching to fire his beloved MIDA rifle. After returning to his quarters, he took a breath, and walked to the balcony to gaze upon the city skyline and wished upon the traveler to give him another reason to keep fighting. "I belong up there. Being a guardian is my life". His ghost suddenly appeared with an important notice to all guardians......As if Fox knew already what was about to be announced, he let out a sly grin.....it's time! (Epic Micheal Bay music as the camera pans away and leaves the earth showing a rectangular ship coming out of jumpspace above Saturn)
*let's try something new [lenny face]* [b]The City [/b] Lord Kronos waited in his pizzeria. It was the grand opening, and he eagerly awaited Guardians coming to dine on their favorite pizzas. [spoiler]"What's your favorite pizza? I'll make it for you!"[/spoiler] [spoiler]IRL pizza, not fake destiny themed pizza. [/spoiler]
After smoking a giant bag of meth, Frank the mutha -blam!-ing hunter proceeded to -blam!- and pillage the citizens of the tower, everyone came at him bro, but as he foamed from the mouth he screamed, "NA -blam!- THAT SHIT YALL GON LEARN TODAY!" Frank then began to do the stanky leg, creating a temporal time shift that negated the attacks of other guardians. Frank passes out* He awakens on mars, he has been locked up by the Speakers Guard, bail was set at 25,001 glimmer.
My wife and i roleplay destiny. Shes the awoken queen and im a titan whos stuck in his armor and only she can get me out[spoiler]gotto love roleplaying in the bedroom hehe[/spoiler]
[b]Orin-Fel, now Taken, slowly flies around the Cosmodrome...Her eyes are red and orange but they have no soul in them[/b]
Edited by Inquisitor Vaax: 9/17/2015 12:59:25 AM[b]a large figure walks around the cosmodrome, it looks at its sword which still pulses with solar energy, it sits down and plays a message across all channels, the voice female[/b] "Echo echo, this is........ Solar, I'm a merc, I'm selling my services to the highest bidder, meet me in skywatch to discuss my contract." [b]the wind blows and knocks the hood down, revealing that the figure is a hive knight, it smiles and waits for people[/b] [spoiler]open says me[/spoiler]
I hereby activate god mode and and -blam!-ing knife you in the throat
*Violates b.net rules* *Activates God mode* *Slays entire community* >Profit
[b]Ishtar Sink, Venus:[/b] The four Guardians in front of each other gathered in a rough circle, tension almost palpable in the air. A Bladedancer stood, arc blade in one hand, and the other balled into a fist so tight you'd think he would break his fingers. The Sunbreaker drew his Hammer of Sol out, flames glistening in the moonlight, as he glared at his target. The Voidwalker merely carried a sword, a Hive Bastard sword by the looks of it. Their target: an unarmed Guardian wearing black, grey, and ginger armor. The three had agreed to team up this once, merely to get rid of this thorn in their side; a Guardian who seemingly could take out entire fireteams with his bear hands. Ginger yawned inside his helmet, secretly wishing that they would get this over with; he really needed to see some people at the Tower. The Bladedancer struck first, feigning a stab before reversing it into a backwards slash. Ginger ducked under the blade, jamming his open palm into the Hunter's elbow joint, breaking his arm, and pulled the hunter in front of him to intercept the Hammer thrown at him. The Warlock moved next, while the Titan stayed back for support. The extent of this blade was far greater than that of the Arc Blade, and Warlocks had a reputation for predicting your moves in advance; Ginger knew that he had hit a dead wall here. His only option: do something so incredibly stupid that the Warlock couldn't possibly predict it. He picked up decent sized rock, slightly larger than his fist, and swung it as the massive sword. His shields coalesced around the rock, protecting it, and it knocked the sword arm aside. The Sunbreaker, sensing an opportunity, threw a Hammer directly at Ginger, which slowly tracked his movements and adjusted its course mid-flight. Ginger caught the Hammer by the hilt, and redirected its momentum towards the Warlock, hitting it in the center of its chest, incinerating it instantly. He threw the Hammer back towards the Titan, eliminating it as well, and quickly snapped the downed Hunter's neck, ending the match. As the stunned Lord Shaxx stuttered out a victory speech, Ginger left towards the Tower. Perhaps he could meet some people... (Open. Just say that you see him at the Tower, or that you saw the Crucible match)
No rules against hijacking? Respond soon or taste the pizza.
Hi, I'm cringeful from the planet neckbeard. Come great me with your hardiest of wines. In return, here is a powerful weapon known as the "Fedora" - accept this welcoming gift, friend. For you are a life time member of neckbeardans. Farewell, guardian. Wear it proud.
Bump. Bump here if you wanna bump the post. Let's get noticed!
A cocky human Hunter was trying to impress his girl, a young Awoken warlock, when suddenly the taken arrived
A Warlock quietly was meditating in the cosmodrome. He was sitting on the wing of an ancient plane in the moth yards. Fallen walked by and paid him no mind they were used to it. He had been there for days unmoving.
Edited by Viper: 9/15/2015 1:51:24 AM[b]Emily slowly walks around the Cosmodrome, looking for anything of interest [/b][spoiler]open[/spoiler]
*a ketch bearing the house of light banner orbits earth. The Kell stands in his throne room, watching over his crew as they work*
Hollow, ungodly screams echo trough out the Mouthyards, the screams of a Taken. Inside the cavern overlooking the Mouthyards, a Huntress stands over a Taken Knight, "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR!!?" The Huntress screams at the dying Taken, [i]"The... The Doom Wea..."[/i] the Knight dies, "Fuçk... He can't mean... No, not the Doom Weaver..." She sits down and thinks. (Open, preferably FateSinger )