The presence watches you but feels merely like a fly gone in the wind.
(Poetic much) -Theron wakes up momentarilly, and then looks around-
A man who seems broken flashes in your mind and you feel the pain he goes through as if he is in the room but can't be seen. As you lay half asleep you feel security in this presence for his darkness is no evil. He watches and gathers in his surroundings in a protective matter.
"Ah, what was that probably nothing" -Theron goes over to his fridge and get's some soda-
You open the fridge to realize you already drank all the soda that morning. You turn around to see a can that wasn't there and is a creamy soda not known to this world.
"Wha- wait what is this flavor" -Looks at the flavor-
The can reads with a hand made label, "A&W Cream Soda"
"Cream soda sounds intresting" -He inspects the bottle to make sure it's safe-
You here a voice say in your head say it is safe as the presence leaves, the shadows withdrawal and what is left is a broken window and two men fighting in your room.
-Theron pulls out two guns on the them-
The man on the right leaps out the window as the stranger stands there looking out the window.
"You there don't move"
The Stranger goes to sit on the couch and asks, "Got any cream soda?"
"Nice to meet you to"
"Nice to meat you too. I would introduce myself but I can't share much other that they call me Stranger."
"Right and if i remember right that soda right there's a cream soda" -He points to the soda-
Edited by Bean Chili: 9/15/2015 3:25:19 AMThe strange man rushes over to the can. "This is were I left it? Damn it's empty!" No problem I can get another.[spoiler]I gotta go to bed fam[/spoiler]