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Edited by Lost Sols: 9/15/2015 2:08:28 AM
[quote]I'm sorry thus is probably hugely wrong and if this comes off has an insult, but you just come off has so arrogant.[/quote] Well, it comes off as one because it kinda is, but that's okay lol. [quote]The prime thing I cringe about is MM. It should not be in the game period[/quote] When we post asking for optional in-game matchmaking or LFG, we're asking for something that will not negatively affect anyone that doesn't want to use it. When people state that "it should not be in the game, period." it's asking for something that DOES negatively affect a large portion of the community. [quote]Pros: it's faster no biase easier for people to complete raids [/quote] Actually the pros go much deeper and they are different for everyone depending on their individual circumstances. Some don't have time to go outside the game, some aren't comfortable doing it. Whatever the reason, in-game matchmaking has been a staple of online gaming for a decade and it has been shown it works just fine. [quote]Cons: trolls trolls trolls and more trolls- without matchmaking they have to think is it worth the time? The answer is usually no. With MM it's just to easy. [/quote] Two things on this 1) You're assuming that everyone you meet in matchmaking would be trolls out to ruin your experience and that just isn't the case. Most people are playing Destiny because they want to play Destiny, not because they want to f*** with you. The overwhelming number of players on this game are cool people. 2) You're trying to protect us from ourselves. You can't have matchmaking because you could meet a troll. That is crap. Why should 10% of the gaming community get to dictate how the other 90% play in order to avoid their bad behavior? [quote]under geared people - this is something I absolutely hate to bring up, but it's a prime problem. There's a point where you can't do a raid with underpowered people you just can't I don't care who you are. The best raiding crew in destiny would struggle to take two undergeared people through a raid. Imagine three or four? [/quote] Again, you're assuming that everyone who joins you are going to be level 25 in blues. Well first of all, if you have a level and light requirement to enter a raid, that couldn't happen. Second of all, people run raids with under geared people all the time and if you just run a hosted lobby, if the host doesn't like what someone brings to the group, they can remove them. Don't want to be removed? Host your own group. Neither VoG or (particularly Crota) were very hard. Compared to traditional mmo raids, they were both fairly basic. [quote] quitters it becomes far to easy to quit with MM. Before you have to ask yourself if I quit will I be able to find a group again? That thought alone is usually enough to at least give their current group a few more tries. Those few tries make a huge difference. [/quote] Replacing quitters becomes easy with mm. Also "Before you have to ask yourself if I quit will I be able to find a group again" is pretty funny, because you just acknowledged that outside LFG can be a giant kick in the balls. [quote]no mics I have to bring it up. Communication communication communication. I cannot stress that enough. No mic=no communication. With MM it becomes 10000% easier for them. They will join groups and -blam!- them over. [/quote] Honestly if anyone thinks they can join a raid and not at least listen, they don't need to be there and the host boots them. Once they get booted for no mic a few times, they'll start wearing one even if it's just to grunt into. And again, why should I not be able to lfg in-game just because joe schmo might not have a mic? [quote] friends simple really. With no MM part of the motivation to add someone is to make it easier. If it's already easier there's no icing on that cake. Would you eat cake without icing? Maybe? [/quote] I've made more online friends through random in-game matchmaking that I ever did in guilds in WoW and posting in trade chat to run raids pre-LFR. [quote]raid lobbies I've seen this has a solution countless times. People refuse to acknowledge that this would infinitely more present. With raid lobbies they could check every nook and cranny. Rather than just say ghorn they could check for elemental primaries. Raid emblems or sparrows. Get where I'm going with this? [/quote] I totally get where you're going with it. You're saying that the current system sucks because people can gear check you on LFG sites and not invite you and raid lobbies would be worse. Well again. Get kicked? Host your own because with in-game hosted lobbies all you do is select to host, set parameters and mm fills your group. Someone leaves? MM replaces them. Someone is a troll? Kick them and re-queue. See where I'm going with this lol? [quote]the community you are a prime example of why this cannot happen. You nitpick every little flaw bungie makes down to the point where I just have to think enough is enough. There only human give them a -blam!-ing break![/quote] It's a feedback forum for their work. If your job had a feedback forum, you'd get nitpicked too. It's the entire point. [quote]The minute 70% of the community would bash bungie. Hey guess what when you insult them like over half this community does its borderline cyber bullying. That's never ever okay. Ever. If seen some disgusting things posted about bungie and especially the community managers.[/quote] Some of it does go too far, it is the internet. It's also a public forum and it has rules and people in place to enforce them if they feel things go too far. Also, part of having a successful community is having one that is capable of policing itself as well. [quote]How would you like it if I told you that you couldn't balance a cup on a table? Judging from your post you hate things that said towards you. [/quote] Considering that you wrote an entire post about how I'm wrong about what I post and how I post it, is that question supposed to be ironic? That said, I understand how they feel because I've gotten hate posts and pm both on here and in-game. It's the internet and it will happen, should I run and hide under my bed and not post anymore because someone want to be a d***? [quote]Sols you may say that these wouldn't be problems but they would be. I challenge you to refute at least two. Even then the pros would still be the minority. [/quote] If you want any other reasons there's a thread with at least 1000 comments from people stating why they want in-game LFG.

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