"What happened?!? Do you need help? I'll come down immediately!"
"Heavy bleeding, cant see straight..." you hear a thud and the transmission cuts off*
[b]Jack runs over to you and checks for wounds.[/b]
He sees severely bleeding bite marks on his legs and arms, the blood coalescing into two pools on either side. He's alive, but barely*
"Damn it." [b]He grabs him and teleports him back into the ship with Minervia and carries him to the MedBay[/b]
He is passed out due to blood loss*
[b]He carries him to the MedBay and the doctors begin working on him. Jack teleports back down and continues his mission.[/b]
A bright ball of light exits Galdes' body and casually floats down the hall*
[b]Jack is back down on the planet and he continues looking for murph.[/b]