Anyone else feeling sick too? A lot of my friends are coming down with something and it's only the ones that play Destiny. Seems like it will be worse come Tuesday. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit: I think we are getting the VoG virus and I think it's spreading fast.
Edit 2: There's other forms spreading. So far there's:
VTD (vexualy transmitted disease)
"Something "microscopic" stirs in the depths of the hellmouth. A hive super virus" bred for unspeakable purpose." - KamakaZ
And a few cases of Harpes.
Edit 3: Wow guys! We are trending and on the highest rated list!!! Last I checked number at #3. Didn't expect this. I guess it's official, it has become an EPEDEMIC. Spread the word. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Edit 4: Here's some more diseases:
Ocularrectalvirus - can't see your ass going to work.
LDS - Launch Day Syndrome.
Edit 5: Number 1 top rated list!!!!! Awesome guys.
ITT: lazy people with no responsibilities