originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"You are a defender of the city titan....now go find a ship" CJ states with a hint of annoyance. as he looks around the old Skywatch. a sigh coming from him as the heavy snowfall has seemed to have hidden the broken Guardian Ship.
A skiff touches down bearing an unknow symbol.
The titan Rolls his shoulders as he watches the skiff from the scope of his rifle Staying out of sight for the moment. "Look, friends." he says to his Ghost, "I Do not like your friends" it states flatly.
A rather large fallen drops. His cloak bears the same symbol. He holds a pad in his hand.
"Ghost... can you Get a reading on what house he's from?" C.J says moving along his cover trying to get a better look at what the Fallen is holding.
Edited by Riven: 9/15/2015 1:44:50 PMThe skiff launches towards orbit. The fallen begins tapping things on his pad.
"Eh. guess i will find out myself" he Pulls off his shotgun. charging the Fallen. Sliding down behind him firing a shot at his back. hopefully before it has time to react
Edited by Riven: 9/15/2015 1:48:47 PMThe Fallen's shields flare. He doesn't seem to care. He speaks in English. "Nice shot. Sloppy tactics."
rather than fire again, the titan stands. "Well. same for you.. just standing in the...open.."
"I am attending to business."
"And that Business is?"
"None of yours."
"Hrn. What house are you"
"House of Fear."
"Spooky. Why hidden? or are you like the house of judgment. only a few"
"Because there is a tiny bit of fear in that of which you don't know."
"So only a few"
"No. We are a large House."