"I was referring to competent historians, not douchebags like you."
"Thanks. Asshole."
"No problem buddy."
"I hate you"
"Hate's a strong word."
"How about this, fuçk you."
"Tales fall short, rumors not large enough..."
[spoiler]For the record, since most of what happened in the other RP isn't canon here, Striker and Serra are the only people Ginger knows right now[/spoiler] Ginger contacts Striker over a private comms channel; for once he sounds sober. "Striker, do you copy? Just won that Crucible match, unarmed like you dared me to."
"Damn it..."
"It was a helluva sight, or so they say. One sec, I'll be joining you momentarily..." [spoiler]See my reply to Fate's comment. I joined you guys. [/spoiler]