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Edited by BenjyX55: 9/15/2015 7:08:52 PM
It is possible. You know why? It happened. Therefore, it must be possible. We can attempt to explain it in scientific terms, but we don't need to, because it does happen, therefore it can happen. Think of a sine wave and a cosine wave on the same graph. They are constantly being pulled out of the positive realm and into the negative realm. However, at least one is always in the positive. Think of the two waves as the Halo array's energy, think of all positive Y's as regular space and negative Y's as slipspace. This constant transition between slipspace and regular space could be just one of the many explanations. I could easily come up with more. But that's not important. It's not possible to move objects with one's mind. It's not possibly to go faster than light. What's possible is irrelevant because this is fiction. Halo is bound by the rules of Halo. Star Wars is bound by the rules of Star Wars. An American citizen who chews gum isn't breaking the law just because it's illegal in Singapore. A British woman who leaves her house alone isn't breaking the law just because it's illegal in Saudi Arabia. Halo breaking the normal laws of physics is irrelevant because Halo has separate laws of physics. You must be a moron if you can't comprehend this.

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  • Negative and positive directions still exist [b][i][u]ON THE SAME DIMENSIONAL PLANE[/u][/i][/b] think of it this way: You write a physical note; it is in the physical universe You write a digital note on the computer: it is in the digital universe They have ABSOLUTELY no barring or effect on each other unless you DIRECTLY CHANGE [b][i][u]BOTH ITEMS[/u][/i][/b] to be in align with each other. You send an energy wave/particle through subspace: IT HAS ABSOLUTE ZERO BARRING OR EFFECT IN THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE! Thats WHY it must be ported DIRECTLY to where it needs to go [b][i][u]PERIOD[/u][/i][/b]. As far as lightspeed: matter by it self [b][i][u]CAN NEVER REACH IT[/u][/i][/b]. However if you surround matter in a hyperspace or warp field or move it through sub space slip space a wormhole or Einstein Rosenberg bridge [b][i][u]THEN YOU CAN MOVE THAT MATTER BEYOND THE SPEED OF LIGHT[/u][/i][/b] Levitation by any means only requires [b][i][u]ENERGY[/u][/i][/b] in a strong enough magnetic field [b][i][u]ANYTHING WILL LEVITATE[/u][/i][/b] due to electron charge and proton charge. In star wars the force wielders channel energy in their surroundings through the medichlorians in their cells. Energy is literally EVERY WHERE in the universe (in reality not star wars): Light radiation Ambient temperature Electrical charge Magnetism Kinetic motion Sound waves Radio waves Cellular waves Micro waves Any radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum ^---> [b][i][u]ALL THAT IS ENERGY THAT CAN BE CAPTURED, TRANSFORMED INTO MATTER, OR USED[/u][/i][/b]

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  • I'm guessing you don't know what a model is. It's a simple representation of a complex object or concept. A Bohr model isn't any less useful just because it's not 100% accurate. It's a perfect way to explain atoms without going into great detail. Show me a cell that can do that. Any cell. Any show that can not only harness and control such great amounts of energy, but can do so across distances and with great precision. While you're at it, get your ass to Africa and pick up a shovel. Start digging until you find a massive portal constructed by ancient aliens. Until you do so, you have no case for Halo being in our universe or needing to follow our universe's laws, so all of your arguments are meaningless.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/16/2015 12:45:42 AM
    Look guy; An ELECTRON when jumping from one orbital to another performs a QUANTUM LEAP (it jumps out of this universe's space time then back into this universe's space time at VERY specific intervals and ONLY to VERY specific orbitals in a VERY specific sequence). When the electrons do this they emit PHOTONS from the atom. [b][i][u]THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT MAKES SPECTROSCOPY SO EXACT[/u][/i][/b]. Every element has a UNIFORM electron field compared to other elements of the same type. Every helium element (of the same isotope) has the same electron field make up which follows THE SAME SEQUENCE of electron jumps IN THE SAME ORDER AND IN SYNC WITH EACH OTHER. This is how we can tell what elements are what in a spectrometer. My point is: when the electrons JUMP OUT OF THIS UNIVERSE(the process causes a burst of photons but once initial quantum leap is completed---) the electron HAS NO EFFECT OR PRESENCE WITHIN THIS UNIVERSE UNTIL IT RETURNS THROUGH IT'S QUANTUM ELEVATOR. Ive explained: Subspace has to work some what similar as subspace/slipspace IS OUTSIDE OUR 4 DIMENSIONAL SPACE TIME. That means you must; Send the energy through subspace and bring it back; period. So either you MUST hit every location all at once----> this requires more than 50% of ALL the energy in that area to do so and that IS IMPOSSIBLE. Or you MUST know exactly where all your targets are AND the mass/density of EACH TARGET before you EVEN SEND THE DAM ENERGY----> also IMPOSSIBLE! Therefore; [b][i][u]HALO ARRAY DOES NOT USE SLIPSPACE OR SUBSPACE TO SEND ITS DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY TO THEIR TARGETS AND IF ACCORDING TO THE LORE IT DOES: IT IS FLAT OUT IMPOSSIBLE SO IT IS FLAT OUT WRONG[/u][/i][/b]------> REKT Now for energy transference through cells: A TESLA ROADSTER CAR BATTERY; 10,000+ lithium ion battery cells (buncha AA lithium ion capacitors IN A BOX wired in PARALLEL TO EACH OTHER)---> thats actually what it is. That battery array takes EIGHT AND A HALF HOURS to charge and will provide enough mechanical energy to drive the car 300 MILES. Now thats a TON of energy stored over a LONG time and emitted and used SLOWLY. If you had 10,000x more cells only 100-1000x SMALLER they would charge in 1%-10% of the time STORE THE SAME AMOUNT OF ENERGY and would be able to emit/allow you to USE ALL THAT ENERGY 100-1000x FASTER ^----> and thats just 10,000x more cells at 100-1000x smaller. AN ORGANIC CELL is a few BILLION TIMES [b][i][u]SMALLER[/u][/i][/b] than a AA lithium ion battery AND there are a few 1000x [b][i][u]ONE TRILLION[/u][/i][/b] that can be put in a box the same dam size. ^----> thats NOT science fiction by the way thats [b][i][u]REAL SCIENCE[/u][/i][/b] Oh an guess what; On a long enough timeline [b][i][u]ALL SCIENCE FICTION CAN BE QUANTIFIED OR USED IN REAL MORE EVOLVED SCIENCE[/u][/i][/b] or [b][i][u]THAT SPECIFIC SCIENCE FICTION IS JUST FLAT OUT WRONG[/u][/i][/b]

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  • The Halo rings work. This is a given. Therefore they are able to work. Your screaming "but muh science!" is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to disqualify beings who would curb stomp the Star Wars universe. How the rings work is irrelevant. I've tried to offer [i]simplified[/i] explanations of how they [i]might[/i] work, because the forerunners' understanding of science would obviously be much more advanced than yours or mine. In the end it doesn't matter, because hokey science and ancient weaponry are more than a match for a good blaster at your side.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/16/2015 1:39:17 AM
    Im not saying the rings DONT WORK; I SAID THEY DONT USE SUBSPACE OR SLIPSPACE TO TRANSPORT THE DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY TO TARGETS! I [b][i][u]NEVER SAID THE RINGS DIDNT WORK[/u][/i][/b] just that the method by which you told me they worked was wrong as it goes against cosmic and quantum physics pretty dang obviously and essentially ignores physics entirely. An hokey science huh? [b][i][u]HOW THE F DO YOU THINK BLASTERS AND NORMAL HUMAN GUNS WORK[/u][/i][/b]----> hokey science in use. Before science was science it was trial & error = results + the religion of [b][i][u]ALCHEMY[/u][/i][/b]

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  • I don't think you're an idiot, so I'm guessing the reason you misunderstood my trigonometry analogy was bias. Either way, I'll explain it again in terms of the rings so that there's no way you can misunderstand. Imagine the rings fire not one but two blasts. Blast A travels in normal space to a distance of X. Blast B travels in slipspace to distance X. At distance X, blast A enters slipspace and blast B enters normal space. Blast A travels in slipspace to a distance of 2X, and blast B travels in regular space to a distance of 2X. At distance 2X, blast A reenters regular space and blast B reenters slipspace. They continue to alternate in this manner on an interval of X. Each blast travels only half as much distance in normal space, therefore each blast takes twice as long to dissipate, so the ring's effective range has been doubled. Now imagine the rings fire trillions of blasts. Each blast only moves for a very short distance before entering slipspace and being replaced by another blast. The ring's effective range is now trillions of times greater.

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  • Edited by DarthBrando: 9/16/2015 2:05:03 AM
    I understand that concept; in order for that to work however YOU MUST KNOW the location and mass/density of EVERY TARGET at time of firing; Other wise not only will the blasts not hit their targets: they may not be of sufficient force to destroy those targets. Do you get what im trying to say on that part and why it is impossible? It means at time of firing each halo must know when it fires where EVERY SINGLE TARGET in its blast radius is AND the force required to destroy EACH target; and then it sends out the blast wave to hit that target. Unless halo can scan its ENTIRE blast radius DOWN TO A 2 MILLIMETER RESOLUTION its [b][i][u]IMPOSSIBLE[/u][/i][/b]

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  • You don't need to know the location of every target. All you need is the interval at which one wave enters slipspace and another enters regular space. It's completely radial.

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  • You forget just how much space there is in a galaxy and how much stuff is in it: When a wave of energy impacts something; It is reflected Or absorbed (Or if the energy is high enough or composed of small enough particles)----> it is slowed down/slightly dissipated. Planets are INCREDIBLY large and massive somethings that can stop or absorb a very massive amount; Also there is gravity; gravity ALSO pulls in energy into its center of mass. So unless you direct that energy to targets you lose practically ALL of it before 10% of your targets are even hit. Also unless energy in question is SELF AWARE once it exits slip space; there IS NO GOING BACK INTO SLIPSPACE for that specific portion of energy. If you were to TRY and blanket an entire galaxy with ANY form of energy for EVERY SINGLE 2 millimeter space within that galaxies area; IT REQUIRES MORE ENERGY+MASS [b][i][u]THAN THAT GALAXY EVEN CONTAINS[/u][/i][/b] ^-----cuz guess what; all the energy+ matter a galaxy has doesnt even fill up every single LIGHTYEAR within that galaxies area LET ALONE every 2 MILLIMETERS

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  • Perhaps the forerunners have self-aware energy. Wouldn't be the craziest thing they have.

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  • That actually IS a possibility so far as I know

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