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9/15/2015 11:13:06 PM
Negative and positive directions still exist [b][i][u]ON THE SAME DIMENSIONAL PLANE[/u][/i][/b] think of it this way: You write a physical note; it is in the physical universe You write a digital note on the computer: it is in the digital universe They have ABSOLUTELY no barring or effect on each other unless you DIRECTLY CHANGE [b][i][u]BOTH ITEMS[/u][/i][/b] to be in align with each other. You send an energy wave/particle through subspace: IT HAS ABSOLUTE ZERO BARRING OR EFFECT IN THE PHYSICAL UNIVERSE! Thats WHY it must be ported DIRECTLY to where it needs to go [b][i][u]PERIOD[/u][/i][/b]. As far as lightspeed: matter by it self [b][i][u]CAN NEVER REACH IT[/u][/i][/b]. However if you surround matter in a hyperspace or warp field or move it through sub space slip space a wormhole or Einstein Rosenberg bridge [b][i][u]THEN YOU CAN MOVE THAT MATTER BEYOND THE SPEED OF LIGHT[/u][/i][/b] Levitation by any means only requires [b][i][u]ENERGY[/u][/i][/b] in a strong enough magnetic field [b][i][u]ANYTHING WILL LEVITATE[/u][/i][/b] due to electron charge and proton charge. In star wars the force wielders channel energy in their surroundings through the medichlorians in their cells. Energy is literally EVERY WHERE in the universe (in reality not star wars): Light radiation Ambient temperature Electrical charge Magnetism Kinetic motion Sound waves Radio waves Cellular waves Micro waves Any radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum ^---> [b][i][u]ALL THAT IS ENERGY THAT CAN BE CAPTURED, TRANSFORMED INTO MATTER, OR USED[/u][/i][/b]

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