Greetings fellow Guardians,
I don't have a lot of time to post (between shifts at work), but I did get a chance to log in and look around the game world and check out some of the things that I've been reading on here throughout the day and I also came across the above video in my google newsstand feed.
DeeJ said in the video he likes bullet points (guess we never cracked that code if that what it takes to get communication out of him...), so here you go DeeJ
The good
• Going around to the various vendors, I really like the design of a lot of the weapons
• From everything I’ve read, you all killed the new missions (hearing particularly about a stealth mission that takes place in the Crota Raid area like you had us go into the VoG for the HoW mission. I thought it was cool to let players in there who never had been for whatever reason.
• All the updated UI improvements, storage, quest structure and tracking and expanded bounties are all welcome improvements
• The Cryptard sell Legendaries (we don’t have to kill him this Christmas, yay)
• With the addition of Cozmo the level of communication by Bungie on these forums has gone up 500% over the last two months. We still don’t always get the answers we want, but at least we know we are being heard.
• Seeing the actual TTK stuff I’ve seen today makes me want to play it, where going into this morning I wasn’t really jazzed up for its release.
• The video above is something that needed to be put out and it actually comes across as sincere by mostly everyone in it.
The bad
• Your continued approach to people that do not purchase DLC. I read the posts going up and logged in and sure enough you’ve capped Strike playlists at level 20. I mean seriously, you couldn’t allow level 34 players to play level 34 content? I just don’t understand that at all.
I’m not going to suggest that people who don’t purchase an expansion should get that content, but what you are doing with restrictions and lowering of game modes that were previously available really amounts to extortion in my opinion.
I read a post that called Destiny minus TTK the most expensive demo in the world and I have a hard time arguing that. In games like WoW you can play to level 20 for free and then all other content is restricted. The key word there is FREE. Players you’re locking at 20 have paid upwards of $140 many in under a calendar year.
I didn’t like it when you removed rewards from Tiger strikes when TDB dropped and I don’t like this now.
• PvP. This I have a mixed opinion on.
On the one hand, I REALLY like that the regular playlists are TTK inclusive because I thought it was stupid as hell that in previous expansions, we paid for maps and never saw them unless we queued for TDB playlists that weren’t always available.
Along with barely playing any HoW endgame because of your continued refusal to budge on matchmaking (and oh-by-the-way Urk, you said in the video that you need to communicate better when we ask for things how the process works on your end and whether or not it can be done. This has been ignored WAY TOO LONG), I played exactly 2 PVP matches on HoW maps because of the system you had in place.
On the other hand, I kinda get why you’d combine game modes (Control/Clash, etc), but it still comes across as yet another slap in the face to those who are waiting or aren’t buying TTK.
• I also heard that we can’t run anything bu base level missions. So if it’s level 4 in the Cosmodrome, we can only run it as level 4 and not up the difficulty. Again, just seems petty.
If you want players to buy future expansions, a better way to make them want to play isn’t to piss them off and take everything away from them. If your new content is all you believe it is, people will buy it. The content needs to be able to sell itself.
After logging in, looking around the tower, scoping the Director and going down to Mars for a couple minutes, I shut off my console because I saw all I needed to see. Destiny is pointless without TTK and I think that is a huge mistake. People on the fence are still potential customers and completely putting them off is just bad business.
• Lastly because I’m going to be late if I don’t’ wrap this up. As much as I appreciated the above video and thoughts of those in it, I don’t like that I randomly found it on google.
This is something that YOU should have posted directly to your fans and not gone through Gameinformer to disseminate. It just reeks of one more tie-in grab to get us to an advertisers site and it comes off as a bit less sincere to not state it directly.
Of all the avenues you take to disseminate information, it still seems like your own forums are the least important to you and that Reddit, Gameinformer, etc take precedence to your own site.
That’s it. Hope the bullet points helped and I sincerely hope that maintaining a relationship with non-dlc fans becomes more of a priority for you all in the future, because I see a lot of good and I'm just waiting for the moment you take those steps forward without taking one back.
Here's to year two and all it hopefully will be.
Thank you,
Edited by Cozmo_BNG: 9/29/2015 8:55:02 PMThanks for the feedback. I'm glad my presence here has been felt. I have some feedback topics set up if you and anyone else here wants to leave their thoughts. Gameplay - Story - Loot - PVP - [quote]I appreciated the above video and thoughts of those in it, I don’t like that I randomly found it on google. This is something that YOU should have posted directly to your fans and not gone through Gameinformer to disseminate.[/quote] I did [url=]push this video[/url] out to all of our followers in August. [quote]Of all the avenues you take to disseminate information, it still seems like your own forums are the least important to you and that Reddit, Gameinformer, etc take precedence to your own site.[/quote] We love giving you [url=]direct info[/url] but sometimes we also like to let journalists like GI and Edge come in to play the game, ask questions, and then write their own stories to pass on to you. We figure that info coming from us will be seen as biased so we like to have a third party give you a view of the game from fresh eyes. As for other platforms like Reddit - it's known that I came from that team, but I have been posting here far more than over there since I was hired. I try to reach the community everywhere possible on the Internets. Glad that you have found some things you like with the beginning of Year Two, and we will continue to work on the things you have opinions on how to improve.