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Edited by Coyote_x_Starrk: 9/16/2015 1:46:06 AM

You have not had any content taken away from you so please stop saying that you have.

Before we start let me say first off I am no "Desticle" I have not bought TTK and I have no intention to do so until I see review scores and impressions that make me feel its worth my $40 purchase. So I am missing out on the new content just like you guys are. I don't drink the Kool Aid. I think that $40 for a DLC is a joke even if it is an "Expansion". I personally believe I am one of the most outspoken critics on the forums regarding TTK and its various scandals. Then why am I bothering to post this you ask? Because I believe in fairness and the ranting and raving I am seeing in thread after thread is not fair towards Bungie. It is a HUGE overreaction and the bombastic claims of being robbed of content and being scammed is just downright idiotic. [b][u]You have not had any missions, strikes, raids, or weapons taken away from you that you have purchased. You can still play all the TDB missions/strikes, HoW missions/strikes and you can certainly still play the vanilla missions/strikes. The same goes for the crucible. You still have every right to play the maps that you have already paid for in the classic playlists in the crucible. [/u][/b] The only thing you have been locked out of is new endgame content like Nightfalls, Weeklies, Raid etc etc. That is not content that you bought that is a [i]FEATURE[/i] of the game. A feature that centers [i]around [/i]the latest content. When you bought TDB you bought the strikes, missions, gear etc etc and the Nightfall then took that content and featured it every week. Now that TTK is the latest content the Nightfall now features THAT content. So no you don't get to do the Nightfall because the Nightfall features new content. Content that you have not paid for. So please stop acting as if Bungie came into your game and pulled all of the missions and gear from your bleeding fingers and pissed on your Ghost. This is how expansion based games have operated for YEARS now. The new expansion comes out with new gear, new missions, and a new level cap. That new content is then featured front and center in every way and the old content is pushed off to the side. WoW, Diablo, SWTOR etc etc have followed this design for years. This is not new and this not shocking. They did it for TDB and they did it for HoW, but they did it on a smaller scale because they were smaller packages. TTK is essentially Destiny 1 part 2. So of course its impact on the day to day functionality of the game is gonna be MUCH more noticeable and much more profound. You paid for content. You got that content. You [i]still have[/i] that content. You can still play that content. [i]Features[/i] such as the endgame activities however will always be geared toward the latest content and if you don't have that content then you obviouslly cannot participate in the features that use that new content. The same goes for the levelcap as well. You paid for the level-cap to be increased in each of the new DLC's that came out because they were TIED to that content and you need that gear in order to REACH that new cap. They have now raised it again and have tied that cap to the new gear. Gear you don't have access to because you have not paid for it yet. So of [i]COURSE[/i] the Vendors are going to be selling the latest and greatest gear. Do you honestly think that they should still be selling old level Vanilla gear like Shadow Price or The Devil You Know even though its been outclassed ages ago? I understand that you are upset that your options are limited now because the content you bought is no longer[i] featured[/i], but don't sit their and claim that it is no longer there or that you no longer have access to it. Because it is and you do.

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  • Crucible has Classic 6v6, 3v3, and 1v1 6v6 just has a chance at large modes 3v3 smaller modes 1v1 rumble Now, Vanguard Legacy has every strike BUT new ones, so nothing stolen there. Prison of Elders, still here... Raids, check... Yep, nothing left.

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    6 Replies
    • Agreed. And funny you should mention shadow price and TDYK. They were the last guns I ascended.

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    • Keep bumping this! This is the reality of what is happening in the game right now and had been happening ever since last year. I'm not a Bungie fanboy, never cared much for Halo...but I have enjoyed Destiny ever since I started playing it earlier this year. That's right I started playing in 2015 after the Dark Below expansion. I only purchased the base game and didn't bother with any DLC until maybe a month after HoW. I played and enjoyed the base content of vanilla Destiny for months and never thought to complain that end game stuff was locked out for me. It makes sense because I didn't pay for the expansions and additions to the game. I still had the story, original strikes, raid, and original crucible maps and that was plenty of content to enjoy. The only reason anyone got endgame content a year ago was because they owned the current version of the game...the endgame and new activities will always evolve with every expansion because they are a feature of the expanded (not base) game. I'm not an MMO or PC gamer and I completely understand and accept this model and as long as I'm having fun with Destiny I'm happy to pay for more content that the developers are working hard to create. Console gamers need to get their heads out of the sand and realize this isn't the Super Nintendo grow and evolve and add new content and require online subscriptions and high speed internet...if you don't want that kind of experience than you don't want to play Destiny.

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    • Glad this post exists. I'm so tired of weeding through the complaining and weeping over being left behind when on these forums I'd like useful information (real, objective, no-rant and rave run on sentences written in all caps). If people need a place to cry, there needs to be a 12 step forum for them to join. Please go there with your buckets of tears and take a nice big group bath in them.

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    • I'll just leave this here...

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    • Thank you for writing that.

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    • Before I say anything this is more of a question. Are the ps exclusives free to anyone that doesn't own ttk that would be the only reasonable thing to be upset about.

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    • You know that message that popped up and asked you to continue only if you agree with the terms and conditions? Yeah?! Well, this is EXACTLY what you agreed to.

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    • I disagree. Random conveniences of choice and challenge level were removed and replaced. You can't possibly tell me you'd rather do a mission on level 5 than level 34. You can't possibly tell me that waiting around in a lobby to play control with a group of people that primarily play other games is the same and simply choosing it in a menu. You can't argue that part of the money spent on this game was paid with the intentions and expectation of continuing with what we were already enjoying. Nobody was hurting anybody just doing what they were previously doing in HoW. But now it is different. Not expanded upon, but changed and reduced. There are so many analogies floating around here that I won't bore you with another. But as a fellow consumer, you must not be okay we someone constantly altering and diminishing something you chose to spend your money on. Nobody thought in May that come September, they would not be allowed to play Nightfall, Weeklies, Dailies or choose their own pvp activity. Nobody did. And if this was clarified long ago, I guarantee far less people would have purchased HoW. What about you?

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      2 Replies
      • Bravo! Bravo! True masterpiece! Guys, someone made an awesome post telling people how it is!

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      • Umm.... So you didn't buy the dlc right ? Well why is there only one vanguard strike we can do ? It's only level 20 easy... When god knows were all level 34 one week after Poe.

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      • Finally that's how I see it . They still have their other stuff . The past expansions only allowed you to hit 34 so that's you paid for . I don't know why people are bitching about not being able to lvl up

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      • What bungie is doing is the equivalent of going to a grocery store to buy a six pack and being told that I can buy the cardboard wait a few months buy the first beer, wait a few more months and buy the next beer then a year after my initial purchase get the rest of my beer but all the new customers get the whole six pack at once and pay less than what I did. I love this game. I really do. The gameplay is fun, interacting with friends is cool, the weapons and armor are very stylized and fun to look at and play around with. I want this game to be amazing. But bungie shouldn't get to extort money from me to play this game. They're not holding my free time hostage I'm electing to give it to them. Therefore, I get the right to complain. To complain about this dlc being practically the price of a new game isn't being self entitled. It's being frustrated as a consumer. I paid for this product already. I paid 60 dollars for a half completed game and an extra 40 to get the dlc. Now they finally release the other half of the game they should've finished a year ago and want to tack on an extra 40 dollars while new players are paying something like 50 bucks less than what I've invested in. What was the point of me buying this game a year ago then? Why am I buying any game when it comes out? I should just wait a year when games are actually completed and 40 dollars cheaper. Bungie is taking advantage of its fans and punishing the people who basically beta tested this game for a year. So I say everyone should complain about this ridiculous price gouging that they're doing. Not everyone has over $100 to invest into a game to get the full experience. Frankly you bought the game already, you are actually entitled to enjoy the full experience of the product you purchased. Bungie has just been blocking the full game from you and telling you to pay more for the rest of this game to be unlocked. It's wrong and none of us should have to take that as consumers or game. Simply because this "model" has been used before doesn't mean it's right or that I or anyone else has to accept this as the new gaming norm

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      • Thank you for banging some minds out with the truth.

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      • Well written sir. You are a breath of fresh air and a legend. Bear witness to the legend of Invulnerable Coyote_X_Starrk, the Vex Destroyer

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      • We PAID to use the features when we PAID for he original game.We PAID for the option to do the higher level strikes. We PAID for new weapons and armor which we were told we could upgrade that are now useless outside of a raid. To play new content we are required to PAY since day one almost double the price of the original game while new players get EVERYTHING for almost half the price plus added extras. yes they are blatently ripping us off stop munching the corporate wiener

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        5 Replies
        • Bump

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        • I would say if you feel you have been cheated then why play the game? If you think of it in a business cycle kind of way, WE, the ones who buy the DLC's, etc. Keep the company moving and the servers running. THOSE whose choose not to purchase the new DLC's, etc. are riding for free starting from the first DLC you don't buy, basically (i.e. everyone contributed to play time with the first purchase of Destiny, if you didn't buy TDB, then from that point everyone else who did contributed to keep the servers running, and you play for free). So first of all. youuurrr welcome. Now imagine how long the servers would stay up if EVERYONE just stopped buying the DLC's. Money runs business, period. More money more playing, no money no playing. Back in the PC days individual computers could host games so no matter what, the company could go out of business and it didn't matter, as long as there was interest and someone hosted. It's not that way anymore. The days of Unreal Tournament, MW-MW3 on the PC aren't how it's done on the consoles.

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        • Edited by Elitespear: 9/16/2015 1:55:59 PM
          Hmm. Let's see. Trials of osiris - House of Wolves CONTENT - Well that was part of what you paid for with house of wolves(it was actually all I wanted from house of wolves as I thought a raid was involved when I bought the season pass, I got prison of repetitiveness instead), surely you can get it right? Wrong The Dark Below - I can play the missions yay! But Eris Morn, the quest chick what about her? Where's the quests she gave out? Oh that's right, no more ranking up because she got no more of dem quests. House of wolves is only 3 months old though, should be able to pick up some of that stuff. Oh wait, nope. Maybe I'll play some vanguard playlist in order to pick up weapons that were CONTENT FROM THE GAME AND EXPANSIONS. Nope, can't do that. The plan was to buy TTK on payday. Thankfully the kingsfall raid will be released before then, that way I can see if I'm wasting my money or not. Now I'm sure the subclasses are fun, has nobody stopped and asked the question: "why are there only 3 new grenades?" Remember when bungie were good? Like really really good? I was never a critic of them in the past. I am now.

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        • Anything TAKEN away

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        • This is so much better than my post XD. Bump

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        • Agree and disagree. This is why people hated online always, this is the fear of not owning. Non of us here regardless of having taken king or not owns this game. We pay for a service this service can be withdrawn at any minute . I have not read the t&c but I bet you this is stated on it. If you agreed with the above them no point moaning about it!!!

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        • I look at it this way: I'm a day one player, I have 1600 hours played, I have bought many other games since day one but I still come back to destiny every time, so I have paid $60 for vanilla, $35 for the season pass, $40 for taken king, and yes I bought the emotes so throw another $20 in there, I'm looking at 155 dollars, now take that and divide that by my hours played which is 1600, and I come to .09 cents per hour played which, for me, made buying taken king a no brainer at the time. And the new content in my opinion is awesome!

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          • I think there are points to be made on both sides of the fence. I haven't bought it yet, because I chose to spend all my extra money on my sons birthday. Im not poor, $40 is not a large amount of money. Regardless of reviews I will buy it, just can't yet. Destiny is about moving on and tackling new content every few months for me, I don't mind paying to do just that. Im told control playlist is gone if you dont have TTK, and if so that sucks. Strikes,nightfalls,and vendor gear all mean jack shit TO ME, not everyone will feel that way though. I have played and gottent all I need from those "endgame" activities. Now to my smartass comment. Each week here on the forums there are posts about destiny not being an MMO, most have said it isn't. Now ALL you guys are comparing TTK to an MMOs expansion. You are all silly.

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