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9/16/2015 1:28:44 AM

Solar Hammers

Who else thinks the new Titan Super is way too OP? I think it needs a small nerf in damage, or a slower throwing rate because that shit is outright ridiculous.

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  • Yes both

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  • And this is why I hate pvp, everything in the game revolves around it and it's bs, pvp sucks and less than half of this community actually enjoys it, all pvp has brought to destiny is disappointment, and it's bs, I really do hate you bungie.

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    3 Replies
    • I think these dumbasses don't realize if they nerf it in pvp they nerf it in pve too

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        Weekend gaming, cant wait - old

        Here's the reason this sub class is OP!

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        • Uhh no i have max armor with Sunbreaker and i can not take a golden gun. Maybe because RANGE is a thing. Titans honestly needed this. Shadowshot can basically slowdown a whole team and spawn orbs like nothing. Stormcaller is just annoying and impossible to run from. So no get out of here.

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          2 Replies
          • Are you kidding me it's about time titans had a ranged super and you want it nerfed

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          • -blam!- you guys hunters have had the worst pvp classes so far putting everything into context, Golden gun requires a tad bit of skill and it's not that hard to take out a blade dancerbif you're not alone, plus grenades and melees are just completely awful, I don't know how many times I've put a tripmine or lightning grenade right in front of someone and then not die and then I get punched once and I'm out or I get killed by a tracking grenade. The hammer is op as hell because you can spam the hell out of it no question. Hunters once again got dicked with the new subclasses so eat a dick you non hunters lol jk but seriously

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            2 Replies
            • Well each class has its "op" subclass now from blade dancer to your solar hammers and what not. The Titan had some shitty year one supers in pvp so I think it's sorta made to be a bit more op.

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              3 Replies
              • You all buthurtt about hammer of sol hahaha babies

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                  Weekend gaming, cant wait - old

                  Definitely too OP. No other super can be spammed like the hammer. They say u can get away from it by jumping up, but with 900 one hit kill AoE hammers u will get hit while in the air or when u land. The power output is great, the AoE is also very high, the range far but none of these would make the super OP if it had a limit. For those who say this is just like golden gun you are dead wrong. Golden gun was everything the hammers is but was limited to pin point hits not AoE and was limited to 3-4 shots that could easily be evaded. They say the nova bomb is the same. Dead wrong again , nova bomb is a one hit kill within range and can only be fired one time. If nova bomb and gunslinger were able to be spammed like hammers then I would say they are very equal. Blade dancer had a very short range, was hard to track by enemies if it was used blink and every swipe lowered the super bar while already being lowered over time. The self revive warlock was easily taken out with a shotgun or sniper and had to connect his grenades or punches which was limited to the cool down. U see where I'm going here? Hammers aren't limited at all.

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                  13 Replies
                  • I still think more time should pass until we all can judge things properly. People didn't really have time to develop strategies yet. The armor is a little high on the Sunbreaker. He should go down when sniped with a high impact sniper or a golden gun shot. Other than that I think it's ok. I might main a Titan but I haven't used HoS a lot in PvP so far as the bounties required me to use Striker and now Defender. When I face a Sunbreaker at the moment I try to get away of I keep jumping.

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                  • NERF SUNBREAKERS a.k.a (gunslinger radiant skin armour of light hammer throwing titans)

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                  • And the hunters super can shut down any super isn't op, being able to hit with lightning from a distance isn't op, so what this nerf posts, its crazy that the dlc hasn't been out a week and people are crying for nerfs

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                    8 Replies
                    • Titans are finally a power house class like they are suppose to be. Im a hunter fan and I felt like titans were the worst class since they are suppose to be the tank but the warlocks are more tanky then them. I gotta say sunbreakers dont need a nerf

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                    • So many salty hunters. Lol

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                    • other supers can 1 shot kill!!! Gold gun for instance! It's about time Titans had something to battle the blinking shot gun hunters and warlocks!! I had my Titan solar hammer up and was playing rumble, someone shit gunned me with one bullet it the back while I was getting another! Stop winging people, it's a dan game! Play and enjoy

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                    • Play smart & know the class you'll be fine. Just play smart and listen for the sound of the hammer being activated and be ready. You shut him down with focused fire/strong shots and hey if you have to use your super to counter him then go ahead because honestly it isn''t a waste since you could save your team/yourself. Meet a super with another super. Snipe him out and use cover to block the hammers The throw speed isn't gun level of fast so you can dodge and have time to move. People just need to get used to everything.

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                      1 Reply
                      • A lot of people think that sun breakers have too much armor but that is just because titans can choose to have high armor. High armor makes all of the titan subclass get more armor in their supers, except weapons of light. Plus radiant skin on sun singers is almost equivalent to sun breaker armor and no one complained about that.

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                        4 Replies
                        • Yes it is op. The armor buff is soo much a high impact sniper won't take them out of there super which no other class gets. I understood the fist of panic being the way it was cuz it wasn't ranged but now they get a golden gun with like 8 more shots plus massive splash damage and fusion gernades (which track very well and actually stick unlike fusion gernades.. If they really want end game content to have variety then they need to start considering trials of osirius end game content. They need a nerf in pvp. Enough of one to bring them in line with the other subclasses. All subclasses could use some adjusting to put them on a fair and even playing ground for end game variety in pvp. But these are the same people who said the would nerf shotguns and thorn and didn't do so for 8 months, then really only fixed one and designed maps that benefit the other so I wouldn't hold my breath. The new supers and current balancing of them and weapons used in them still leaves the crucible feeling broken and incomplete.

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                          1 Reply
                          • Please, stop calling for nerfs. Please

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                            16 Replies
                            • The AOE needs fixed

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                            • Hammer OP, Stormtrance OP, hahaha poor hunters

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                              3 Replies
                              • Cry Baby! Get Good Scrub! I don't complain when I get beat. I say "well played". Get over it!!

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                                4 Replies
                                • It's not OP. Hunters voidbow counters it, and if I'm correct the Voidbow is counting in at around 65 million kills, where as Sunbreaker is coming in at around 32 million, and Stormcaller is coming in at around 30 million. It's a super, it's suppose to be powerful. Please stop whining and just counter it with your own super.

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                                  11 Replies
                                  • You never bother to read the weekly Hotfix notes.

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                                    • Yes please

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