originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Hey ghost I think I've decided that I'll call you friendly"
[i]Why is that guardian[/i]
"Because you're friendly to the weaker guardians not the powerful ones like me"
[i]Well other guardians help the traveler you have stopped doing that[/i]
"Yes I help a little bit. I first killed atheon. Whatever that doesn't matter though huh?"
[i]I'm afraid you may be following the path of dredgen[/i]
"You wouldn't have learned that if I wasn't with you. The speaker hides things from everyone. I try to find it out"
[i]I have helped you learn the ways of the storm[/i]
"Yes those ways that the vanguard never taught me because I was exiled. Some say it's more powerful than the ways of the void. To that I say die in a fight with me"
*Cregan enters the court of oryx*
"Let's do this. I have a few runes on me"
[i]Wait for some more people[/i]
"Fine friendly"
A Guardian was nearby. "Following the path of Yor eh? He was a great guy. History will repeat itself. Am i right?"
[i]Yes I do not see him as great but, I am afraid Cregan is following the same path[/i] "Shut up ghost. He was skilled with his little thorn. I'll give him that but, I don't think I'm following his foot steps. One major reason. That reason is that I'm not going to die like that fool"
"I'm Lite."
"Well hello. The name is Cregan you have probably heard of me from my success in the crucible. Or other... stories of me. I was an amazing crucible player they I was number one but, they stopped counting me when I was exiled"
"Was top 10 myself. Till they updated the Boards. What happened?"
"Find out for yourself plenty of stories. I prefer not to talk about it"
Edited by Riven: 9/17/2015 1:41:56 AM"I'm Lite"
"Well is Lite just a nickname then? I'll just assume it is. Anyways since you aren't trying to kill me I'll assume you're wiser than other guardians"
(Kek. Wrong RP. My bad ;P I edited.) "No. I never had a name."
"Well then. I respect you for your knowledge. So how about fighting some taken" *Cregan pulls out a rune*
"I'm up for it." He stood up, and drew his hand cannon.
"Lite sounds feminine. Have you ever thought about using a different name?" *Cregan uses the rune to activate the court*
He shrugged. "Not really. I usually wear White and Light Gray so. I guess it just fit."
(I seriously thought your character was female...) *The taken spawn and the main boss was a weird cabal commander. It's shield seemed to only go down when killing it's soldiers*
"I'll sneak behind it." He faded from view."
[i]It seems that sneaking behind it won't do anything you need to kill his soldiers than he is weak[/i] "Thanks ghost" *Cregan fires a nova bomb killing a lot of taken causing the cabal's shield to go down. He makes quick work of it using his Raze Lighter*
It's head is blown off suddenly.
"Did you really have to do that? He was already dead" *Cregan walks to the chest and opens it and gets rewarded*
He shrugged. "Guess I was a bit too late."
*Cregan picks up an artifact* "What the hell is this damned lute?!" [i]An artifact passed among warlocks[/i] (The damned lute is an actual artifact it is not a custom one)
(Wuts an artifact) "Looks cool."
(They showed them in the stream. You have to be high level to use them. They are basically a thing that gives you interesting perks. The damned lute is a legendary artifact available for warlocks. When you are on destiny you should see a locked area under your class item in your inventory. That's were your artifacts go. Just search some video) *Cregan puts The damned lute away and begins to walk away* "A -blam!-ing lute!" *He leaves the area*
[b]commotion is heard near by, it sounds like screaming, a guardian can be seen impaled on a sword by a knight before it crushes the ghost, it looks at cregan and grins[/b]
"Ha a weak knight trying to scare me" *Cregan yells at the knight and his ghost translates what he is saying* "Come at me you asshole! I have killed thousands of guardians like that. I have killed millions of hive. Come here and fight me!" *Cregan grins and pulls out his Raze Lighter*
[b]it goes to him and smiles[/b] "This will be a fun battle [b]it's voice sounds oddly feminine[/b]