"Are you alright. No offense but, I said nothing about your shader"
"Well, you did seem a bit hostile coming over here. That's why I asked."
"You looked taken so I was going to be hostile"
"Yeah. Sorry about that. I'll fix it…" She had on a Purple and Black shader. Full Classic Trials Gear.
"Trials. I have competed a few times. I'm not allowed to any more. I was banned from any sort of crucible because some asshole framed me for murder"
"What happened?"
"I was skilled in the crucible one day some person decided to frame me for murder. Known of the vanguard or shaxx believed but, I wasn't exiled because I was on their good side. To this day they think I killed a whole fireteam. I don't know what maniac would do that"
"You don't look like one to murder."
"Yes but, the person that framed me was smart"
"I've a friend that can help with that if you're still exiled."
"What are you talking about? I was never exiled I was banned from the crucible..."
"Oh. I must've heard incorrectly. Then I have a friend that can also help with that."
"I seek no interest in the crucible anymore. I mean is it preparing you to fight other guardians or the darkness?"
"Sharpening your combat awareness and senses. Improving reaction time, and testing new strategies and counter strategies to see how effective they are."
"Yes I mean it's not like you can't practice on weak fallen on earth. Guardians act different than most of our enemies"
"True… but where's the fun in that?"
"Well you won't take guardian killing too seriously and be driven to madness. I have heard stories of a powerful warlock who was driven to madness because of it. -blam!- I'm so paranoid. I need to start acting like a hunter again. Crucible is fun as a break from fighting the darkness I guess"
Edited by Riven: 9/17/2015 1:46:03 AM"Spent too much time with one?"
"I have taken an interest in the other classes ever since I was banned from crucible. The void is powerful no wonder titans and warlocks have been using it"
"I prefer using Arc Blade."
"My bow can shut down your arc blade before it reaches me. It may also kill you"
"It's been avoided."
"Yes it can be avoided"
"Quite easily."