originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Hollow, ungodly screams echo trough out the Mouthyards, the screams of a Taken. Inside the cavern overlooking the Mouthyards, a Huntress stands over a Taken Knight, "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR!!?" The Huntress screams at the dying Taken, [i]"The... The Doom Wea..."[/i] the Knight dies, "Fuçk... He can't mean... No, not the Doom Weaver..." She sits down and thinks.
(Open, preferably FateSinger )
*a girl walks the mothyards*
The Huntress looks around the mouthyards and spots her. [spoiler]Could Stellar be a surviver of the fireteam that Corra was apart of?[/spoiler]
(How would it work? I made the bio based off everyone dead. Plus, she wouldn't rememver)
(It's always possible for a Hunter to slip away. Stellar would remember though.)
(Right. Well, you barely would've survived then)
[quote]Something changed her[/quote] (That's part of my bio for her.)
(Let's go!!) The Huntress leaves her perch and heads towards the girl.
*she sees and starts running*
She runs after her.
*She turns and starts singing*
"What the hell?!"
*ground starts to crack*
"The Doom Weaver..."
*She had felt threatened. Trees start burning, rocks explode, a dead body gers up, and stabs itself*
"I mean you no harm."
*the ground starts rupturing towards you*
She stands her ground, unarmed.
*the glass inside of the hive bones of her helm break, and you see her face, as the area starts ending*
I don't know that name.
"But it belongs to you. I'm Stellar."
*something pops into her mind and she stops singing*
"Thank you."
Your not her