"Anyway I probably shouldn't drink to much one of us needs to get the other home, anyway you meet anybody but me so far"
Edited by Dougie: 9/16/2015 3:28:22 AMNo... Haven't really ran into many people... I usually run solo ops, and I'm not usually a very social person..
"Yet within the first ten minutes of meeting me you were talking with me like an old friend"
*chuckles* Really? I never noticed that. I said I'm not usually social, but that's just because I've never really anyone and actually got to know them... I guess it just comes from being betrayed so much. And if you're asking if I knew you before you got the amnesia then no...
"That's not what I was implying and anyway feel free to drink and eat as much as you want it's on me tonight"
Thanks... *chugs rest of beer* waitress, another beer
"Well someone's sure a big drinker"
Well, I'm just not a lightweight, and cyborgs can take more of this until it affects us, sooooo....
"Ah I see well I was afraid you might get a nasty hangover, wait your a cyborg"
Edited by Dougie: 9/16/2015 3:48:46 AMYes... I already told you... Not 100%, most of my body is real, I just have things like increased stamina, jump height, etc., oh and wrist blades... Now do you see why I'd rather just leave those memories? My father made me into this, and his monster came back and killed him.. I also have a UI that can help in combat... Trust me, it's not like I'm a robot... All of the important parts are there
"Hmm most important parts what does that mean?" -You see he stares in space as he starts trying to figure out what you mean-
Let's just say that me being a cyborg isn't very easily noticeable pretty well anywhere on my body.... Most of my cybornization was neural implants and things that make me more resilient... None of my limbs are robotic, they're still flesh and blood... Granted my bones are hardened with a special material, but they're still human, and everything else is that way... Edited maybe, but not completely robotic
"Wow that sounds awesome can you do the grappley thing with your hand" -He says while trying to mimic the pose but tripping and falling on his face,He obviously doesn't understand the point of prothstetics-
Yes, I can grapple, jump about 10 feet, sprint 500m in about 50 seconds, my eyes can zoom in to the point of where I could read a newspaper 300ft away, trust me the list goes on and on, but nonetheless I'm still mostly human
"Woah I can sort of do the eye thing but I have to use these" -He lays down 20 Different lenses for his monocle-
*laughs*.... Wow... Just wow... You're to funny Theron.
"What It's true each lens has a different magnetic though I do try to be funny"
Yeah, cuz that isn't obvious.., I'm getting chased by cops, first thing you do I crack a joke..
"Yes a joke makes people smile it breaks the ice and is a conversation starter, I would be lost without jokes"
True... You'd probably have gotten shoved off that roof if it weren't for your jokes... And you'd have never gotten to talk to me.
"You would have shoved me off that's nice besides it's usually just corny jokes"
Really? I could never tell
"Yep just corny ones most of the time" -He couldn't pick up on the sarcasm-
I was being sarcastic... *yells next sentence* Waitress! Another beer!
"What oh i'm never great with that"