This post is dedicated to keeping you up-to-date on information regarding Destiny: The Taken King. This includes purchasing, any issues that may arise, and links to new Help articles. Stay tuned to this post for updates and new information.
[u][b]9/15 Notes:[/b] [/u]
• Xbox 360 players: If you purchased any digital version of Destiny: The Taken King and are encountering issues launching it, please perform the following steps:
-[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12539]Clear your console cache[/url]
-[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12181]Restore the licenses on your console[/url]
-Launch the application purchased via Xbox Marketplace (Xbox Dashboard -> Games -> My Games -> Launch)
-Once all eligible offers have finished installing, relaunch Destiny
[b]We are actively working with Microsoft to resolve this Xbox 360 issue. We believe we may have found the issue that was causing Xbox 360 players to experience error code 80070057. We will update as soon as the fix goes live.[/b]
• Xbox 360 players who wish to purchase Destiny: The Taken King ($40 USD) can do so via the in-game prompt on the Director. This upgrade will not be available on the Xbox Marketplace, only the Legendary Edition and the full Collector's Edition.
• Some users are reporting that the Golden Chest count was reset on their Moments of Triumph at 2am PDT. We are actively investigating.
• We are aware of an issue that Crucible rank package display as "Vanguard". These are, in fact, Crucible packages and will give Crucible rewards.
•The Suros Arsenal weapons and Vanguard Weapon Pack Items can be found at the Vanguard Quartermaster, located in the Tower Hangar.
• The Digital Collector's Edition Upgrade ($20) may not be available for purchase at this time. We are aware of this issue and are actively investigating.[/quote]
I found that the other account on my 360 can only access, the Taken King content when I am also signed into the console. I bought the TK Digital download in game this morning. Without me logged in he continues to get the Taken King Required (TKR) message for the prelude and Meridian Bay opening story. At least he can access now but that needs fixin'. But y'all can use Drifter's work around for TKR bug for free!
No nightfall?
[quote]No nightfall?[/quote] Dude wrong thread.