originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
[spoiler]why magyk make you so mad?[/spoiler]
*Sithis's head pops off almost to easily ass another comes out*
My shadow doll was defeated with so much ease..... im out.
*jumps into a shadow.*
[spoiler]its bullshit and it ruined the dojo[/spoiler] *Resumes walking towards the dojo*
*you feel eyes wayching you*
*he deosnt appar to feel anyhting* *he raches the door* demolition protocol. *he pulls his arm back and prepares to punch*
*he feels a shadow grab his arm and throw him into a tree*
*herremains in hsi ground efortelssly* *his armor shiens for a moment before flashing iluminatiing anyhtign in range no shadow left unlightened*
He feels a lazer flying at him from all directions*
*the enrgy sheilds absorb th lasers easly*
*they keep flying at him nonstop*
*he keeps walking towards the dojo the lasers just reflecting of his shield as he gets ready to punch the door open*
*a greatsword falls behind you onto your head*
*the kinetic sheidls hold up agaisnt the attack* *he turns around to see whatever is poking him*
*it is a being in shadow armor* Where is Sithis?
.... unknown. *a flashlgiht pops ove rhsi shoudler and generates a pwoerfull flashbang*
*she teleports onto the roof and begins to shoot high powered bolts at you*
*he stick to teh door and punches it once the whoel wall alognisde the door shakens but the dor keeps there but not for long* inciating manual demolition