In the guided tour deej said that we could only hold 200 legendary marks, BUT the amount we could earn would be unlimited now the only way I've seen to earn these is thru the weekly heroic, and the daily hsm/pvp so that's only 40 at the reset and 30 daily after that which totals I think to 220.. that's not unlimited, am I missing something or is this just how it is?
Yeah, me and some of my clannies were having this same discussion last night. It seems like the grind just got longer, at this rate maybe we can do Nightfall by Christmas!
Grind so hard the rubber grips on my joysticks wore off
Also, breaking down legendary TTK items will give you Legendary marks. Possibly breaking down Y2 exotics as well but I'm not 100% sure about that. Legendaries will for sure though.