The doctor turns to Zhackie, as if looking for an expected reaction. "I wish I had that type of optimism" He says as he lights a cigarette.
"Born human, die human. Rude bastard, implying psions ain't human" Zhackie says as he grabs his coat. "His choices now are either accept what he's become or die in denial"
"You know, I expected a bit more of sympathy out of you. I always thought you psions had the brother-band thing going on"
Zhackie scoffs. "Some do, I'm not one" He uploads his fee(-25C) and leaves for the door. "Seeya round doc"
[b]as he leaves, he sees Andrew climb up onto a fire escape, and someone on a rooftop reaches down to help him up. He grabs the hand and they hoist him up.[/b]