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9/16/2015 2:21:29 PM
Ok... So you paid for use when you bought the original game... Same thing can be said for games like WoW... What happens in WoW when you decide not to pay your sub fee any longer? You can no longer play it. Destiny doesn't have a sub fee, so dlc and expansions are even more important. At no point prior to release did anyone at Bungie say "well this is a 10 year game, for $60 you can do everything for the entire 10 years" No. They said "it's a 10 year game, we've got x expansions coming out this year, then next year, etc... " everyone who bought this game came into it knowing (if you didn't, it's on you, not Bungie) that the game was going to have multiple expansions that would be needed to get everything the game was going to offer. Deciding not to buy expansions is dumb. If you just have "Vanilla" and have been playing for a year, then at this point you should already have everything and not need anything else. You can still play strikes and crucible and everything else... But you are limited to Vanilla drops. You don't have the right to level increase, as it's a feature of the expansion. You don't have the right to new exotics, as they were a feature of the expansion. Either get on board and buy the expansion and run with the big boys or sell your copy and go back to CoD. Bitching about not wanting to buy an expansion for a game that has a 10 year plan is just -blam!-ing dumb. I just don't understand why an active player would want to stick with Vanilla. I've got about 500 hours in this game. I spent $60 for the game, 35 for expansion pass (yr 1) then traded my disc for $20 and bought TTK. So I've spent roughly $150 on this game... And I've got about 500 hours of play time in it... So for 500 hours of gaming, I've spent about $0.30 an hour. This game is more than worth the $$.

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