Use this thread to find fire teams for The Taken War: Venus!
Must be level 40.
[quote]Use this thread to find fire teams for The Taken War: Venus! Must be level 40.[/quote] Looking for a team to do all taken wars quest with GT: Rising ERA
Edited by xAwakenxDeathx: 10/16/2015 8:54:51 PMLooking for team for paradox, must have light level of +270 message gt: Brenttino 2 for invite
40 hunter light 279 need 2 for paradox gt: AARCH69
Edited by AnotherTragedy8: 10/3/2015 11:53:07 PMNeed help at fears embrace gt anothertragedy8 at the end
Need 2 for paradox
Need 2 to do the venus taken lieutenant kills.. please help! My gt is same name as above
Need two more for Taken War: mars Gt: PONCHIZ07
Well this is a request for taken war earth really. I just need another person for the extra dps on stirok needed to take him down
Edited by BornANew2020: 10/2/2015 6:33:51 PMNeed 2 for paradox mission GT darcrios
Msg ll Artorias for Venus Champs
Need help with paradox secret msg me for INV get above XBOX ONE
I need help bad on fears embrace jtmsl is gt my light is 293
Need anyone to finish the quest "Paradox"
Looking for help with taken war Mars if anyone needs it message on here or xbox gt grimmtastic
Need help with final Mars mission GT same as above
Need one more for a venus champion msg in gameGT: SaberSpy
287 warlock looking for 2 280+ for quest The taken war: earth Msg me for invite. Gt: same as forum
Need 1 more for fireteam Msg: DaKillahBarber for inv
Need help please send msg ApexMikey for inv
About to start paradox msg for inv if interested gt same as above.
About to start paradox msg for inv if interested gt same as above.
Need 1 msg me for invite gt same as name
Edited by Zombiexcat: 9/20/2015 12:45:02 PM
Hey ill do it add me or something
Edited by JMSherrod89: 9/16/2015 2:29:36 PM[quote]Looking for 2 more to help with this mission. Must be leveled accordingly. GT is xxGRIFFCORExx on Xbox One.[/quote] Add me jmsherrod89