I disagree. Random conveniences of choice and challenge level were removed and replaced. You can't possibly tell me you'd rather do a mission on level 5 than level 34.
You can't possibly tell me that waiting around in a lobby to play control with a group of people that primarily play other games is the same and simply choosing it in a menu.
You can't argue that part of the money spent on this game was paid with the intentions and expectation of continuing with what we were already enjoying. Nobody was hurting anybody just doing what they were previously doing in HoW. But now it is different. Not expanded upon, but changed and reduced.
There are so many analogies floating around here that I won't bore you with another. But as a fellow consumer, you must not be okay we someone constantly altering and diminishing something you chose to spend your money on. Nobody thought in May that come September, they would not be allowed to play Nightfall, Weeklies, Dailies or choose their own pvp activity. Nobody did. And if this was clarified long ago, I guarantee far less people would have purchased HoW. What about you?
but yet bungie owns the rights to the game they can change it how they want it.. simple dont like it dont play it.. your ranting or others ranting have no influence on bungie
This ! Well said my friend! Thank you !