The Collector's Edition is available, the upgrade is not. My rage isn't directed at you, friend. It's directed at folks who say one thing then don't follow through and make sure it's going to work. It's just about professionalism, and I am losing respect for BUNGIE because of this and some other fine print issues I'm unhappy with (like only being able to take the veteran's tour with one guardian instead of all three level 34s that I have).
I can understand that. It's bloody stressful I tell you. I wasn't aware of the in-game part as I had just gone full out and got everything while I still had the money, so my bad on that part. But I'm really annoyed with how poorly they've been treating the community, just making us out to be piggy banks for them. Like they've had this massive rep in the past and it's just a shame to see them throw it away because greed got in the way of the consumer. And this is only after the 1st year, we still have another 9 years of this.