So since Bungie has YET to inform me of instructions THAT ACTUALLY WORK. Anyone else having XBOX ONE issues with TTK? I cannot even download it. Says unavailable and when I'm prompted in the game to enter my code, my code has already been used. I reset my XBox once per hour and follow their instructions. Anyone else having this?
So how epic is it that I was able to download my "suros weapon pack" WHERE THE HECK IS MY TTK BUNGIE.
Go on twitter, state your problem, and tag @bungiehelp
I don't do Twitter
[quote]So since Bungie has YET to inform me of instructions THAT ACTUALLY WORK. Anyone else having XBOX ONE issues with TTK? I cannot even download it. Says unavailable and when I'm prompted in the game to enter my code, my code has already been used. I reset my XBox once per hour and follow their instructions. Anyone else having this?[/quote] yep i have uninstalled everything and redownloaded the full game and dlcs and it still says unavailable or bundle only
Same problem, just wait it out, dont buy the bundles
Tried all of their instructions to no avail. Haven't gotten my (apparently questionably useful) suros pack and no commendations for my now obliterated vanguard/crucible marks.
The green weapons that are at the vanguard are the "suros" weapons from what my friends are explaining
Yup. That's the info I have too. But I really think bungie should give everyone what they preordered, not make them buy in game what they've already paid for.
Still waiting on this..
I'm so irritated. My roommate had no issues with this. I pre ordered via GameStop online and got my code via GS.
Bungie should at the very least refund us half of what we paid to ore order, this has taken over 24 hours. This is insane.