originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*two men in Spartan armor grab you and begin one stabs you while the other shoots him repeatedly after the other breaks your shields while two female Spartans hold you down*
[spoiler]you clearly don knwo what youa re messign with[/spoiler] *he bashes the one stbbign sneding him flyign as he fires hist heavys hotgun (18 slugs) (the sheidls doent even seem harmed) *he grbas ht efemale spartans form teh enck and starts choking with inhumans trnght* Multipel USNC dtected. procedure request backup and resume combat. *he keeps choking downt eh Spartans the rpesure mutliplying the second*
[spoiler]you clearly don't know who you just shot that was a huge huge mistake[/spoiler] *the one that you shot's armor turns into knight armor several creatures from hell grab the robot and don't let go no matter how much you try they are stronger and begin pulling him under*
[spoiler]the nope trian steamrolls over your BS magical shit throwing you out of plot[/spoiler]
[spoiler]says the guy with the op robot[/spoiler]
[spoiler]it aint Op its jsut that all you sonic juggernauts arent used to see what a real TANK character is[/spoiler]