originally posted in:Rito Flames [PS4]
Hey friends!
I want to down Oryx this weekend, at least on normal mode and definitely attempt hard mode. I'm currently at 278 light, and more than willing to help a few clanmates prepare by grinding out some heroics, Court of Oryx, or pretty much anything. If we can get a group of 6, I'd love to give the ol' king a go.
Add me on PS4 (Satallgeese), and if you're looking for a buddy to play with, just message me and we'll get your numbers bigger, :-D!
Lets down Oryx!
Bumping this again. I'm 292 and ready to kill some shit. Anybody else in range? I'd love to do it blind and try to figure things out!
I'm at 240 light so I need to do some heroics. I can be on at 7- 7:30 EST time. If you'd like to help me then I'm down.
I'm in if I can get the gear. Crushing content like mad. Please stand by.