Do you get gear higher than your current light level upon turning in engrams?
Yes - I recommend checking engrams [i]immediately[/i] after unlocking one. If its a buff to your light, equip it before turning in the next. Annoying to be sure, but it will increase your chances of raising your overall light.
Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated. Sitting here at work bored and wanna get the hell home. Why must people come to my bar, don't they know I have some destiny to grind? BASTARDS!!
Hahaha yeah I hear you man! Just got back from work an hour ago, but responsibilities and such... Bartender sounds like good company at least ;) If you are on PS4, feel free to send me an add. Usually down for anything when I'm on!
Yeah I'm on ps4, I'll shoot you a friend request. We've got a great clan, all good people, and all adults. Always looking for more....