originally posted in:The Roleplay League
[b]a large figure walks around the cosmodrome, it looks at its sword which still pulses with solar energy, it sits down and plays a message across all channels, the voice female[/b]
"Echo echo, this is........ Solar, I'm a merc, I'm selling my services to the highest bidder, meet me in skywatch to discuss my contract."
[b]the wind blows and knocks the hood down, revealing that the figure is a hive knight, it smiles and waits for people[/b]
[spoiler]open says me[/spoiler]
The captain spoke in English. "Fearus wants to talk to you at base."
"Who? Me or her?"
"Her. You're welcome to come along. As long as your not... Ether Hungry."
Edited by Inquisitor Vaax: 9/17/2015 1:51:57 AM"I'm not, I do need to apologize to your leader about our first meeting."
"You've met him?"
"Yeah, it was before I became a merc, I may have crashed a tombship into the hanger."
The Captain literally faded away from view. She laughed. "Well that's nice now isn't it?"
"Yeah, maybe I could work for them."
"Well, I need to go to the Dead Zone now. Need a lift or…?"
"Sure, I can't really use a tombship anymore."
"K." (Later) at the Dead Zone) (You start)
[b]xerox steps off the ship and looks around, it has been awhile since she was here[/b]
She starts walking towards a large warehouse.
[b]xerox follows her, she checks her sword from time to time then looks at the building[/b]
She pushed open a door and looked around. "Where was it…" The inside was trashed. Boxes and crates were everywhere.
"Woah, what happened here?"
"Supposed to be like this."
"Oh, ok, what are you looking for?"
"The entrance. Supposed to be a switch under one of the boxes."
Edited by Inquisitor Vaax: 9/17/2015 2:40:10 AM"Do you need help looking for it?"
"Yeah. Haven't visited in a while…"
Edited by Inquisitor Vaax: 9/17/2015 12:18:40 PM[b]xerox looks through the boxes, trying to find the switch[/b]
"Oh. Here it is." She pushed the switch.
[b]xerox watches her press it and waits for something to happen[/b]
A slight rumble occurs and stops. All of the boxes and crates are replaced with blue outlines with grids and disappear.