[b]Ishtar Region, Venus[/b]
[i]The figure was completely invisible. He moved through the Jungle outside of Campus 9 silently, watching a Titan talking to another, standing together. He slid his knife from its sheathe, and inched closer, his cloaking systems masking him from them. Before the two Titans could react, the figure pounced. Uncloaking, he rammed his blade into the back of the first's neck, and swung the body around to block shots from the second Titan. He drew his handcannon, the Ace of Spades wickedly fast, and decimated the other, blowing his head apart with three high-caliber rounds. As the second Titan fell to the ground, the Hunter slid his knife from the first one's neck, and disappeared back into the undergrowth, cloaking again. His contract had been fulfilled.[/i]
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