originally posted in:Mr Fruits Fruit Salad
You guys know this is a fake page, right? This isn't actually started by Mr. Fruit. I looked up his gamertag, and it's ABowlofFruit. The admin for this page is ABowloFruit. The missed an 'f' between o and Fruit. I understand if this is strictly a fan page, but I just thought I'd do you people who think this is an official clan a favor.
Stay Fruity fellow Guardians,
He says in one of his videos " oh that guy is part of my group." When he dies in the crucible
Um if you dug just a tiny bit deeper this IS the right clan the only reason it doesn't have another 'f' was because it glitched ok Because when you type in his name the right thing comes up, then when you press his name it's wrong Obvious glitch
NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!! His bungie.net name is put without the 'f' but if you go onto that profile and actually see his psn tag it is, ABowlOfFruit , the real Mr fruit with the same gear same grimoire everything
Dude, learn how to read. There is no f
Ok so under his year 1 it says abowloffruit above is just his name I'm a perfect example of this look at my account, also if it is not him then why is his clan the same and if you look through you can't find any other bowl of fruits hmm?
It is, if you look you can see his ps account is the real deal
and i thought you were right for a second. this IS an official can. look at the founder's profile
His gamer tag is ABowloFruit not AbowlofFruit so this is a real page
you just went full retard. Never go full retard
Look up one of his videos, then look at his gamertag. Guess who's the retard now
Ok, i stand corrected, but on B.net, it is ABowloFruit, idk why tho
Ok, so you know the part on the homepage where it says find your legend, and you search your username? Turns out, if you search ABowlofFruit, you get the actual Mr. Fruit account. The other one leads you to some guy's xbox account, and his name is LivedHarbor30. Because I'm not part of this group, I can't post on this page. I can only reply. Can you post this information to the page? I don't want people to join this group and clan thinking they'll see Mr. Fruit on
Dude u r so stupid look at admins too u dumy
So true