"Well sir you see it's like this I see a man in a suit that is hurting people so I was defending those people"
..negative. agression was not initiated mission objective: track "Psion" subjects. agrressions tarted by yourself. *h starts presing*
"Well sir i'm human how am I to know and besides why would psion's need to be hunted"
............. *he stosp pressing but keeps holding you* Classified. Humanity is imperfect. The AIMC offers subject knwo as "Threon" perfection! *your tac-pad starts "ringing"*
"Hmm my name how would you know that" -He awnsers the call- "Hello"
*A german irish accent speaks* We know a lot kid. we used our friend here to hakc itno your device and fudn your info. We offer you more than a job we offer you the oportunity to become bether. THe man you ahve in front is one our subjects to thris project. I say. why dont we tlak these somewhere more comfortable?
"well the way your talking with the german accent means your somewhat like me but believe me why would I want to join your group"
Well your monthly payment owul be an equivalent of 30,000 credits. not coutning your improvements to self. lets continue this tlak elsewhere. *a large van arrives armored with a turret on top* here.. (call ended)
-Theron casually sends Elizabeth a message while she's watching him from a distanc, while he get's in- "So what do you want to talk about"
(the man of the call is sittign there on an Unifrom albleed AIMC) Just buisness *the man trackign you crouches an enters the van, his limbs go back to a more normal size reducing to (2.10 meters) his palte mask splits open revealign to be a man whith a rght bionic eye eh appears to remain silent an serisu almost death* *he then clsoes hte door on the van* SO tell me "theron" woudl you like to become a superior human form?
"Always the question with humanity isn't it how do we become stronger and powerful, besides what your offering is rudementary to what I know"
you think? what can you do by now? Tempest? how much tiem cna you slow how much can you rewind? in anothe rtimeline you managed to escape us you know? oon of our tempest fixed that for us already. the man who caught you has already died.our technolgogy forced his mind and memory back togheeter and technolgoy made him into an unstopable war mahcine. his skin repalced by nanomachine composed of graphene. he is almsot unkillable. think of what you could become with our improvements [spoiler]He was actually my previus chracater he was kileld and resurrected into this. its opotional a iant gonna force ya [/spoiler]
"Think of what you could do with a more lightweight material along with armor that's inconspicous and can blend in with any enviorment and what you could also do with soldiers who can't be convinced who are nothing but merciless that is the kind of information I know now excuse me" -He leaves the car-
*the man hanst openend the door* oh its not the case. you woudlnt be replacesd as him. He was turned into thsi due to necesities udner hsi own death Will. you would ahve compelte freedom of your actions but if the AIMC so requries your service you would have to attend. He was actually a very good amn in life....a commander actually......... [spoiler]He aint weairng unsuspicius equpemnt cuase he is a comba tunit slteath untis are much mroe different.[/spoiler]
"Good for you making a walking corpse now let me out"
*gasp* (business man) are you sure? *the cyborgman turns at you* i am not a corpse.......i have things to do...otherwise id just rest down....... (buisness man) do consider it woul make your much better suited for combat.
"What is better a soldier who takes a life or a doctor who saves a life, that is the ultimate question though to everything life or death tell me soldier what are you then dead or alive"
*he turns at you* i have been death for 8 years. for 8 years my wife has been death. i was gonna meet hr but i must finish something before resting. tell me. what does ti mean to be alive? a beating heart? 75% of cybrogs have hteir hearts replaced to avoid heart attacks. 50% of chemtroopers requre a heart replacment due to self contamination 20% of civilians require a heart replacmeent due to sickness......
"What it means to be human is to understand that the most strongest force is not how many soldiers not how many weapons it's hope, now let me out"
heh....hope...funy word *he opens the door*
-Theron jumps out- "One last thing soldier Love is what overpowers everything" -With that final word he leaves them letting them think-
*the soldier grbas you by the enck form ehidn again at his 2.40 height* i am not done wiht you *his mask pulls itself down again* Where did they take the Psion? are for your information. I know looe a lot more than you kid.....
"I wouldn't doubt it now let me go You got your awnsers in the car"
I dont care about that. *he starts rpessign again* where did they take the Psion?
"Like I said you got your awnsers in the car just let me go I have the people you hurt to help"
i hurt a lot of people. now tell me where he is!? *he pulls otu a smallc an with hso other hand* *he breks the pin as toxic gas starts flowing out slowly* Tell me