"What it means to be human is to understand that the most strongest force is not how many soldiers not how many weapons it's hope, now let me out"
heh....hope...funy word *he opens the door*
-Theron jumps out- "One last thing soldier Love is what overpowers everything" -With that final word he leaves them letting them think-
*the soldier grbas you by the enck form ehidn again at his 2.40 height* i am not done wiht you *his mask pulls itself down again* Where did they take the Psion? are for your information. I know looe a lot more than you kid.....
"I wouldn't doubt it now let me go You got your awnsers in the car"
I dont care about that. *he starts rpessign again* where did they take the Psion?
"Like I said you got your awnsers in the car just let me go I have the people you hurt to help"
i hurt a lot of people. now tell me where he is!? *he pulls otu a smallc an with hso other hand* *he breks the pin as toxic gas starts flowing out slowly* Tell me
"Fine then he flew off in a rainbow hurricane" -He get's out of your grip and leaves-
*he holds the mechnical grip* bullshit there are only rainbow cyclones *the gas cloud starts growing*
"Huh well how about this pulss out heart locket he nicked from your pocket without noticing"
i dont have heart locket.......at least not with me. and my pants dont have pockets...... *he looskat the smoke* ever breahthed Nova 8? it stick to organic material then corrupts it to make even more nova 8 very painfull
"Ah so they continued the development of nova well fine then your paion is dead"
only MArs does. and so are you then..... *he keeps holding you as the gas cloud grows larger*
"Well one thing that heart locket was for my friend a scanner to tell me what your weakness was"
heh good luck with that... *the cloud is gettign close* dont worry it only huts the time it takes to kill you
"Right this will hurt pause" (He pauses time) -He then moves your finger and runs's away-
(hue) *despite time hsi grip remaisn strong AF*
(Motherfúcker) -Theron eventually pulls his way out of their and runs like -blam!--
[spoiler]inspired by RvB [/spoiler] *tiems returns to nromal as he inmediatly recognies the situation* krosk! BUGSTA! (< martian for = Little shit) *he bosot lugnes and charges behind you*
-Theron rolls back with his gun and throws a frag at you -
*his energy shields takes the balst* *hsi shoudler gun opens fire again in full auto*
-Theron runs into an alleyway and runs into the sewers through a grate-
*a gas granade drosp down and expldoes with another gas cloud growing inside*
-Theron pulls out a gas mask from his jacket and makes sure none of his skin is open to the air-
(clever motherf.ucker) *the cealing shakes as he trails you from above*