Happy to announce that [b][url=https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/loadouts-for-destiny/id980586442?l=en&mt=8]Loadouts 1.5[/url]
[/b] for iOS is finally out!
New in this release:
* Totally redesigned user interface (here's how it [url=http://loadoutsapp.com/images/intro-screen.png]looks[/url] now);
* Support for the iPad;
* Much improved reload speed (what before took many seconds, now takes only 2-3);
* Ability to retry a failed transfer (if the system disallowed equip because you were engaged in combat, for example);
* You can now favorite an item by tapping and holding on it and choosing Favorite. Favorited items will appear first in their inventory section;
* Many improvements and fixes for various issues during the app testing.
Thanks to [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/9382295]@mishookoo[/url] for awesome new design and patience with me during the development. I also welcome [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/9763035]@theonlylars[/url] as a member of the development team for the project. He did lots of awesome stuff and doing even more for future releases.
So what was a one-man project now turns out to be more of a collective effort: we have our own designer girl, two programmers and of course you guys, who have provided lots of invaluable feedback and I hope you will continue doing so in the future.
As promised, the app remains free and cripple-free. If you'd like to donate to support the development, you can do so via In-App Purchases or through [url=https://www.paypal.me/slavikus]PayPal[/url]. Doing so is certainly not required, telling your friends about the app is equally helpful!
For version 1.6, now in development, we're aiming for Inspecting items and multi-language support (so you can have your Dernièris parolis or Das letzte Wort).
As usual, awaiting your feedback! :)
Looks pretty awesome, any chance of y'all putting this out for Android?