Yeah I just received a quest also from the gunsmith, can't wait to see what my titan gets!
Got a shotgun from him. You can see it in my profile.
An auto rifle.
What do warlocks get?
Edited by monkyken: 9/17/2015 9:19:49 AMHonestly I cant remember, its a scout or pulse rifle. I will have a look now. Edit: confirmed its a scout rifle.
Edited by Rikkom: 9/17/2015 9:21:04 AMPERFECT! Thank you c:
I'm feeling nice, this is the gun you get, you will notice it has a warlock specific mark on the side.
I thought titans get a shotgun that does not run out off ammo if fired in a bubble???
Edited by monkyken: 9/17/2015 9:19:31 AMYour thinking of the wrong quest line, Titans do get a shotgun as you described, the exotic specific item is an auto rifle. Titan weapon