[spoiler]inspired by RvB [/spoiler]
*tiems returns to nromal as he inmediatly recognies the situation*
krosk! BUGSTA! (< martian for = Little shit)
*he bosot lugnes and charges behind you*
-Theron rolls back with his gun and throws a frag at you -
*his energy shields takes the balst* *hsi shoudler gun opens fire again in full auto*
-Theron runs into an alleyway and runs into the sewers through a grate-
*a gas granade drosp down and expldoes with another gas cloud growing inside*
-Theron pulls out a gas mask from his jacket and makes sure none of his skin is open to the air-
(clever motherf.ucker) *the cealing shakes as he trails you from above*
-Theron deops down into the sewers and runs in a random direction-
(you escape)