originally posted in:ProjectAnime
Okay, so I'm almost done with Fairy Tail Season 1. May not watch Season 2 until later, so until then what anime should I watch next?
My favorite anime list (So far)
[spoiler]1. Fairy Tail
2. Fullmetal Alchemist (Original)
2. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
2. Code Geass
5. Death Note
6. Attack on Titan
7. Sword Art Online
That's all the anime I've seen yet.[/spoiler]
[u]EDIT 1[/u]: I finished Fairy Tail Season 1 and am going to continue watching until I get what the -blam!- just happened. For now
[u]EDIT 2[/u]: So apparently Fairy Tail is still unfinished? I have no problem with that, because there are still so many unanswered questions. Fairy Tail's just gonna be a thing I tune in to once per week now I guess... taking your requests now!
[u]EDIT 3:[/u] Finished FMA and Brotherhood. Still isn't beating Fairy Tail for me, but I prefer the original FMA over Brotherhood because of the [i]cough cough[/i] [b]'extra plot'[/b] [i]cough cough[/i]
[u]EDIT 4:[/u] Started watching Naruto now. Because it's a shounen, and it has so many more episodes than faury tail, I'm still taking suggestionsfor what to see alongside it.
Just a heads up, [i]nobody[/i] ever dies or bleeds in fairy tail
Trinity seven High school DXD Tu Love Ru
Edited by FreakishMatthew: 9/19/2015 5:44:16 PMPorn [spoiler]walololololololololoolo[/spoiler]
Tentacles and witches Oni chichi Kiss x sis Recently my sister is unusual Rosario vampire B gata h kei
Angel Beats
Tokyo Ghoul
FMA brotherhood is a must watch. if you haven't watched it, go do it RIGHT NOW.
Edited by SavanThe7: 9/18/2015 7:21:48 PMBlack Butler is highly underrated. I loved it. [spoiler]You will fall in love with Sebastian if you do watch it.[/spoiler] [i]~ The Great King Bahamut.[/i]
Any Adam sandler movie is my favourite anime. Especially grown ups 2
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood you won't regret it
Cowboy bepop
I've been enjoying ...Prison School this year...Maybe too much.
Edited by Penguin Emperor: 9/18/2015 2:24:33 AMKill la kill is fücking amazing. Also english dubbed if you care about that. [spoiler]also watch Full metal alchemist brotherhood Log horizon Hitman reborn World trigger History's strongest disciple Blue exorcist I will add more if I get around to it.[/spoiler]
Soul eater or psychopass
God eater it just barely came but I love it to death already
Watch samurai champloo
Ergo proxy
Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night are rlly good.
John Cena.
Stop now.
One piece