[b]Frost break blocks the assassins arm, shattering it. He then uses his body as a meat shield before firing 3 shots from his pistol at the remaining 2 assassins. He looks at the VIP, who nods at him assuring he's fine. UMBRA PMC deploys a heli to evac him.[/b]
[b]-suddenly Zenith leaps at him knocking him through the window and they fall 200 stories in mid air free fall- he sticks a grenade on Zenith and kicks off from him slamming his electromagnetic grips against the building.[/b]
[b]The helicopter hovers by Frost and he leaps off into the Heli before giving a final glare at his assailant. [/b]
"UMBRA this is Shadow-01....the VIP is secure," he says over comms.
[b]The grenade on Zenith explodes- and launches him to the asphalt counter direction from 80 feet, making him crater the ground on impact. His Nanosuit severely damaged but slowly repairing his broken bones.[/b]
*A large figure grabs zenith form ebhidn and drags him away* (in amechanical tone) Youve been wounded
[b]The Nanosuit slowly repairs, and Zenith groans.[/b] "No...get the arms dealer" he says somewhat weakly.
[spoiler]sorry had meal[/spoiler] *his plate visor shoss some numbers as he stops moving for a moment* comand confirmed. *he pcisk you up lieka potato sack and heads to the arm dealer looking back incase anyhtign tails him*
Jaque and a women stand above Zenith. The women has robotic arms and legs but they are not weaponized. The limbs are from a time ago and are more advanced than the top dollar ones you can get now days. Jaque asks confidently this to the man on the ground, "Who's side should we be on?" A red circle with a string of numbers appear on Jaques arm.
Edited by DesertX963: 9/17/2015 9:30:51 PM"The one that should have taken that arms dealer into custody....not a first class flight" he says grumbly. [b]The nannites vibrate and his bones and damaged skin begin to repair. He groans as he lies there, with Cyberpolice sirens closing in. [/b]
[spoiler]Sorry the taken king took priority[/spoiler] Jaque picks up Zenith and the three hide in a nearby roof top. [spoiler]I am tired and left without my creativity [/spoiler]